Category Archives: pet containment

Enhance Your Pools Safety With Aluminum Fencing

In ground backyard pools are an ideal choice for families.  A well kept pool enhances the landscape of any home.  It offers the luxury of staying cool on hot summer days without the hassles involved in backing up and heading for the sandy beach for the day.  Pools create a vacation spot within your own backyard while providing access to the amenities of home.  It is a location that everyone in the family can make use of and creates a space to bond as a family unit.

It is well known that pools offer a family a number of benefits to families all while posing a huge safety risk if not properly secured.  The rules and regulations facing backyard pool owners are tightening up with the recent increase in accidentally drowning.  The last thing any homeowner wishes is an accident that results in the loss of life on their property.  Pool owners are regulated by local, state and federal laws detailing guidelines that must be followed to protect against accidental access to a pool area.  In a desire to protect their family and friends pool owners are investing in perimeter fencing and secure, locking gates.

A pool fence is in no way meant to be the only safety feature for your pool area. It does however add a layer of protection for children and pets when a lapse in adult supervision occurs.  It provides those few extra minutes that could mean the difference between life and death for a young child or pet.  Pool fencing is regulated and must meet the standards set forth by the B.O.C.A.  Perimeter pool fencing must not have foot holds or hand holds that children can use to help them lift over the fence.  It should also stand taller than four feet, with five feet being preferable.  The pool fence should also have a self latching, self locking gate mechanism.

There are a wide variety of materials in which pool fences are available.  Aluminum fencingis the most widely chosen fencing material as it is affordable, easy to maintain and install, is hassle free to order and retains its million dollar look for years without breaking the budget.  The dangers that an aluminum pool fence are safeguarding your family against are worth any amount of money.  The average cost of aluminum pool fencing is around twenty seven hundred dollars.

There is a lot that can be said for the convenience and peace of mind that aluminum pool fencing offers homeowners.  Access to adults is simple with a self latching, self locking gate mechanism while also offering the peace of mind that comes with knowing children are secured away from the water.  Children are quick and like to explore on their own.  It is important to know that in these crucial seconds a head may turn its undivided attention away that children and pets are safe and kept far away from the dangers of unsupervised pool usage.

Backyard pools are meant to be a safe haven for relaxing, having fun and enjoying one another’s company.  In order to keep it that way for years to come the addition of an aluminum pool safety fence is a priority.

iFenceUSA offers the widest variety of maintenance-free, rust free aluminum fences and gates in the industry! Pool contractor’s, building contractor’s, architect’s, & installation advice, you’ll benefit by buying wholesale aluminum fences shipped factory-direct to your home/business anywhere in America from!


Factors When Purchasing Pool Safety Fencing

Summer is upon us and with that comes the season many children and parents alike wait all winter for, swimming pool season!  The time when the sun is shining, kids are outside away from technology and all out relaxation occurs.  With all the benefits pool ownership brings it is easy to forget about the dangers that come along with owning a pool.  It is crucial that homeowners take time to address safety concerns while the pool is being installed and keep up on maintain the safety of the pool and its surroundings throughout the season.

One important safety feature that is a must during the installation of your new pool is a perimeter fence.   Fencing is a feature that protects both homeowners and pool users.  Having a barrier between the pool and the rest of the backyard allows children and pets to freely use the space without being in danger of accessing the pool when not under direct adult supervision.  Selecting the ideal fencing for a backyard pool is a decision that should not be taken lightly.  Below are factors to consider when looking into fencing for your pool’s perimeter.

Considerations to Make When Purchasing Pool Fencing

1)      What material will you choose for your pool fence?

The fencing that you choose for the perimeter of your pool should be strong, durable and easy to maintain.  One of the most popular materials to use when it comes to pool fencing is aluminum.  Aluminum pool fencing is aesthetically pleasing while being durable, easy to maintain and a great protector against inquisitive kids and pets looking to gain access to the pool water.

Whatever material homeowners choose for their pool fencing the most important thing is that they don’t settle or compromise quality over cost or any other variable.  Quality fencing is of most importance to ensure the safety of children and pets.

2)      Should you choose fencing that is removable or one that is permanent?

For most homeowners this is an easy to answer question; the pool is permanent so the fencing should be permanent as well.  This is however not always the case.  Some in-ground pools are built in a small space.  If this is the case it may be that the fencing need to be removable to allow for more space around the area of the pool.  For most homeowners with pools a permanent aluminum pool fence is ideal.

Our next installment on pool fencing considerations we will look into the cost, design, color and installation.

iFenceUSA offers the widest variety of maintenance-free, no-rust aluminum fences and gates in the industry! Whether you are a pool contractor, a building contractor, an architect, a landscaping professional, or a “do-it-yourself” homeowner looking for exceptional value and installation advice, you’ll benefit by buying wholesale aluminum fences shipped factory-direct to your home or business anywhere in America!

Select Aluminum Fencing For Your Project

Choosing the perfect material for the fencing is important.  The fence material is important since it determines the sturdiness of the fence, the amount of maintenance that will be required, how long the fence will last and how it will withstand the climate in which it is installed.  Whether it is for the backyard, perimeter of a pool, boundary for farm animals, commercial or industrial use, aluminum fencing ought to be your leading pick.

There are many benefits in choosing aluminum fencing for installation in any residential, pool, commercial or industrial setting.  Wholesale aluminum fencing can be purchased conveniently online, easily installed by even the most novice do it yourselfer, can withstand a myriad of elements and maintains its beauty without a great deal of maintenance.

Reasonably Priced

To begin with aluminum fencing is more expensive then wood, vinyl or a number of other popular fence materials.  In the end however, homeowners will save with fewer repairs, lower maintenance and cheaper replacements.  In metal fencing it is the most ample, reasonably priced metal in fencing.  The purchase and installation of a fence doesn’t have to cost a lot; with aluminum fencing you get character and quality well within your budget.

Delivers an Up-To-Date Look

Wholesale aluminum fencing comes in a variety of styles with an abundance of options to select from.  No matter the exterior there is a stylish choice in aluminum.  There is no need for your fence to be a neighborhood eyesore especially in residential applications.   Ugly fences make neighbors angry; unkempt fences make nice neighborhoods look like trash.  The same is also true of commercial and industrial applications.  Aluminum offers contemporary, colonial, victorian, rustic and so many more options that compliment any exterior.

Resilient and Sturdy

Powder coating finishes off aluminum fence to give it a resilient, sturdy finish.  The coat protects the metal from corrosion and aids in the maintenance free nature of aluminum fencing panels.  The aluminum metal material lasts much longer than many others without the expensive and redundant upkeep of other materials such as wood, vinyl or chain link.

Endless Possibilities

With aluminum fencing there are plenty of options to consider from choosing a color all the way down to the style of fence bottom.  These options are simply not available in other fencing materials.  With aluminum fencing you get a chance to express the homes exterior uniqueness.

Aluminum fencing is both utilitarian and alluring.  Be it to keep pets and children in the yard or out of the pool in residential use, sectioning off a section of sidewalk for commercial use or to keep trespassers out in industrial spaces, aluminum is the best option for fencing.

iFenceUSA offers the widest variety of maintenance-free, no-rust aluminum fences and gates in the industry! Whether you are a pool contractor, a building contractor, an architect, a landscaping professional, or a “do-it-yourself” homeowner looking for exceptional value and installation advice, you’ll benefit by buying wholesale aluminum fences shipped factory-direct to your home or business anywhere in America!

Cost Factors In Aluminum Fencing

Aluminum fencing is a delightful addition to a large majority of residential homes and commercial locations.  Fencing made from aluminum provides security, is relatively maintenance free and can be designed to correspond with any exterior.  The cost of aluminum fencing can fluctuate a great deal depending on a number of factors.

On average the material cost for an aluminum fence of mid-grade quality is around thirty six hundred dollars.  Using lower grade aluminum, can save you about nine hundred dollars where as a higher grade aluminum can cost an extra four hundred.

The price of the aluminum fence will increase depending on the amount of fencing that is being installed.  When you increase the overall square footage of the fence the materials needed also change increasing the cost.  If the fence is being installed in a non-standard shape the cost of the fence will jump.  Non-standard shapes also increase any changes in the slope of the landscape.  Fencing that is stacked or racked will cost more than a fence that is installed on a flat piece of land.  Another factor that can change the cost of the aluminum fence materials is the time of year homeowners chose to have the fence installed.

Aluminum Fence Square Footage

For a homeowner to determine the square footage of the aluminum fence that is needed the landscape will need to be measured.  Determine the length and width of the space that will be fenced in.  If the landscape is in the shape of a rectangle or square you can multiply the length and width to determine the total square footage needed.

Larger landscapes increase the amount of materials needed.  The number of posts, decorative options and more will all add to the overall cost of the fence.  A twelve hundred square foot fence may only need nine posts and nine decorative post caps but a twenty four hundred square foot fence needs double the posts therefore increasing the overall expense of the fence.  More materials, more expense.  The price per square foot may stay the same but the amount needed increases costs.

Shape of the Aluminum Fence

Bends in the fence shape and changes in the slope also increase the cost as they change the fence line therefore increasing the number of corner posts required.  The posts and decorative options are all more expensive than the actual fence itself.  Remember that the fence does not always have to follow the property line.  If the property line is abnormal it is still acceptable to install the fence in a square or rectangular pattern.  Just ensure the square fence is installed within the property line.

The shape of the fence can also impact the overall price because with each bend or turn in the fence line, it will be necessary to plant a corner post. Aluminum corner posts tend to be more expensive than the actual fencing itself, so the more jagged the lines, the more corner posts must be used. This results in a higher price. Homeowners who want to save money but have abnormally shaped property lines may want to consider having a basic square or rectangular fence installed, rather than having the fence follows the property line carefully.


Aluminum fencing is extremely durable no matter what grade is chosen however the strength and overall durability can change.  Aluminum varies in thickness, durability and weight.  Essentially aluminum fence comes in four standard grades: residential, pool safe, commercial and industrial.

Time of Year

The material cost of aluminum fencing is generally the same no matter what time of year you are having the fence installed.  The installation costs are what can change depending on the time of year the fence is being put in.  It is usually less expensive to have fence installers put aluminum fencing in during the spring, summer and autumn.  This is especially true when installing fencing in areas of regional climate changes

Saving Money

Shopping for aluminum fencing online offers individuals the chance to get quotes from several companies.  Shop around for a company to purchase fencing from.  Customer service is often worth more than saving a few dollars on shipping.  Online fencing companies that offer service from start to finish are popular to buyers.

At iFenceUSA we help both residential and commercial clients successfully plan for their fencing projects.  We offer clients online tools like the iDesign Studio and Style Gallery to help choose a style of fencing that works with the exterior of the home or business.  Our fencing specialists offer advice on a variety of aspects from custom solutions to non-conforming property to the installation.   Our specialists are there for you even after the fence is installed.  If extra materials, installation advice or anything is ever needed you can rely on iFenceUSA, we are just a phone call away.

iFenceUSA offers the widest variety of maintenance-free, no-rust aluminum fences and gates in the industry! Whether you are a pool contractor, a building contractor, an architect, a landscaping professional, or a “do-it-yourself” homeowner looking for exceptional value and installation advice, you’ll benefit by buying wholesale aluminum fences shipped factory-direct to your home or business anywhere in America!

Aluminum Fencing Adds Property Value

One of the best purchases a home owner can make to add to the aesthetics and value of their property is the installation of a fence.  Fences are installed for any number of reasons.  Pet containment, pool safety and landscape detailing are three of the most popular reasons that homeowners give when looking to add a fence to their homes.  Installing your own fence can be as easy as 1-2-3 if you take into consideration the tips listed within this article.

  • When installing a fence it is important to follow your H.O.A, local, state and federal regulations. For homeowners within a subdivision most H.O.A.’s require unity throughout the neighborhood.  Before you order fencing online check into all of the regulations that are guiding your purchase.  For homeowners looking to their swimming pool it is crucial that the fence that is installed meets B.O.C.A. regulations.  The codes will dictate the height, picket widths, gate style and more that can be used.  It is crucial to follow the rules and regulations in place to ensure that your pool area is safe and that your fencing will pass inspection.
  • Another important feature to take note of when installing a fence is the landscapes elevation. With many fencing materials changes in the slope of the yard are difficult to navigate.  This is not the case with aluminum fencing.  If the perimeter of the yard or pool area has multiple areas of elevation change, aluminum fencing is the best option for you.  Aluminum fences offer two options for transitioning aluminum fence panels: stepping and racking.  Stepping involves attaching the fence panels to different height posts.  The fence remains level.  In racking the fence is designed to follow the slope of the yard.  Transitional height fence panels are ordered to create a fence that does not gap at the bottom and that naturally follows the land.
  • Spacing is crucial to maintaining the integrity of the fence. Aluminum fence panels come in a variety of heights and widths.  However, the standard width recommended in maintaining the strength of the fence is six feet wide.  Any longer than this and the fence supports are more susceptible to weather related issues.
  • When setting fence posts many homeowners use the method in which dry cement is poured into a hole and water from the garden hose is added. This method is the easiest way but not the recommended way to increase the longevity of your fence.  Take the time to mix the concrete before adding it in around the fence post.  This allows it to dry and become one unit which adds to the stability of the fence posts.

Installing an aluminum fence does not take a professional.  Any do it yourself homeowner with the ability to read and follow directions that has a free weekend can handle the job.

iFenceUSA offers the widest variety of maintenance-free, no-rust aluminum fences and gates in the industry! Whether you are a pool contractor, a building contractor, an architect, a landscaping professional, or a “do-it-yourself” homeowner looking for exceptional value and installation advice, you’ll benefit by buying wholesale aluminum fences shipped factory-direct to your home or business anywhere in America from!

Start Planning For Your New In-Ground Pool and Aluminum Fence

Spring is right around the corner and with this time of year comes an increase in in-ground swimming pool installations.  Having a pool installed in your backyard is quite exciting.  Memories will be made in your backyard oasis for many summers to come.  To ensure that these memories are all positive ones it is important to plan for certain safety measures to be in place; aluminum perimeter fencing enclosing the swimming pool area may just be one of the most important.  The fence should never be a last minute add on to the addition of an in-ground swimming pool.  Consider all safety measures as you begin to plan and budget for an in-ground swimming pool.

The placement of your new pool within the backyard space available is crucial.  A pool should be installed to enhance the ambiance of the backyard as a whole.  As you are considering where the pool should be installed it is important to also stake out the placement of the aluminum gate and fencing as well.  The great benefit when installing aluminum pool fencing is that it offers an unobstructed view of the pool area while meeting B.O.C.A. standards required in pool fencing.  This means that you can still enjoy the three hundred sixty degree views of your landscape while enjoying the pool and keeping an eye on the little occupants enjoying the water.

When the landscape surrounding an in-ground pool is hilly or even slightly inclined many homeowners worry that the fencing that is installed will have a gap that will allow young children and small animals to access the pool without proper supervision.  This is not a concern when ordering aluminum fencing.  Aluminum fencing can be ordered in sections of various sizes and offer rackable fencing panels.  This allows the fence to adjust to the slope of the land surrounding the pool instead of having to be stair stepped.  Another feature that can be added to aluminum fence used around pool is puppy pickets.  This feature adds additional pickets at the bottom of the aluminum fencing to prevent any possibility of maneuvering underneath the fencing.

With aluminum pool fencing a secure aluminum gate is a given.  Aluminum gates are self-closing and self latching both which are required.  The fence will need to be installed so that it opens out and away from the pool with an opening mechanism that is at least fifty four inches above the ground.  Not only are there regulations that must be met for the gate but also for the aluminum fencing itself.  The aluminum fence that is installed must be at least forty eight inches in height with a mid rail of at least forty five inches above the bottom rail while pickets should be spaces no further apart then four inches and the space between the bottom rail and ground has to be less than four inches.

When purchasing aluminum fencing from you can rest assured that your new aluminum fence will meet all of the regulations set forth by the B.O.C.A. and provide you with a strong, maintenance free, versatile fence system that is easily customized and guaranteed not to crack, chip or peel.

iFenceUSA offers the widest variety of maintenance-free, no-rust aluminum fences and gates in the industry! Whether you are a pool contractor, a building contractor, an architect, a landscaping professional, or a “do-it-yourself” homeowner looking for exceptional value and installation advice, you’ll benefit by buying wholesale aluminum fences shipped factory-direct to your home or business anywhere in America!

Exploring The Process of Purchasing Wholesale Aluminum Fencing

Buying wholesale aluminum fencing can leave your head spinning.  There not only are a variety of online suppliers to choose from as well as thousands of different ornamental styles, colors, grades and additional options to enhance your aluminum fence.  Many consumers get overwhelmed when looking at all of the choices they have.  This is where it becomes so important to choose the right online wholesale aluminum fence supplier.  At our professionals are in fact fencing experts; they are not just ordinary order takers.  Our experts will guide you through the process of selecting the right fencing for your custom project.

The first step experienced fencing experts will want to acknowledge is the special circumstances within the space your new fence is to be installed.  Is the terrain especially sloped?  Are there multiple hills to contend with?  Are you looking to install a fence for pool safety?  Is the fence being put in to keep children and pets within the yard?  The first thing to address with a wholesale aluminum fence supplier is the special reason you have for installing a fence and the special circumstance surrounding the landscape terrain.

After this has been accomplished you will want to choose the grade of fencing that you will install.  Most wholesalers offer a variety of grades including residential, pool, commercial and industrial.  Depending on what application the fence is going to be used for will help with this decision.  For normal backyard, perimeter fencing residential grade aluminum will do.  If you are looking for a pool enclosure you will need a fence that meets B.O.C.A. pool safety standards.  Commercial grade fence is great for light commercial use and for upgraded residential use whereas industrial grade fencing is the strongest aluminum that can be purchased.

Once the grade of fencing has been chosen the specifics of your layout will be discussed.  The online design team will walk you through measuring your yard.  From here a design of the landscape should be drawn with the measurements provided and faxed over to the wholesale aluminum fence supplier.  A base quote will be established and from there you can choose a fence style, a color for the fence and the other optional features there are to choose from.  The additional changes will increase the expense of the base quote.

After a fence has been agreed upon the order will be placed and your fence order will be processed.  The aluminum fence that has been ordered, as well as the accessories, will be shipped to your location and from there the installation process can begin.  The relationship that has been established between you and the online wholesale aluminum fence supplier should stop here.  Reputable online companies will offer advice throughout the installation process from prepping the work site and throughout the installation of the fence and gate.

iFenceUSA offers the widest variety of maintenance-free, no-rust aluminum fences and gates in the industry! Whether you are a pool contractor, a building contractor, an architect, a landscaping professional, or a “do-it-yourself” homeowner looking for exceptional value and installation advice, you’ll benefit by buying wholesale aluminum fences shipped factory-direct to your home or business anywhere in America from!

Aluminum Fencing Is Superior To Other Fencing Materials

When choosing a fence for your yard there are many materials you can choose from.  Two popular options include: vinyl and aluminum.  As homeowners look into the pros and cons of both, they will be able to determine what the best material in fencing for their needs.

The first step homeowners should take is to determine what they want and need from the installation of a new fence. Create a list of priorities that can be used when scrolling through the pros and cons included in this article.  Homeowners need to choose the material that best fits the perimeter of the property based on the following characteristics: strength, price, maintenance, beauty and seclusion.
Strength: Aluminum fencing is superior in strength to that of vinyl. There are a variety of grades to choose from when purchasing wholesale aluminum fencing from residential grade and pool grade up to commercial and industrial grade. Depending on what the fence is going to be used for will decide for you what grade of aluminum fencing to purchase.

Price: When it comes to picking out fencing based on the price there isn’t a clear winner. Not only must homeowners consider the cost of the fence and the installation, they must also factor in the expense to maintain the fence. The difference overall between aluminum and vinyl is minimal and therefore is not really a major factor to consider overall.

Maintenance: Both materials, aluminum and vinyl, are pretty low key to maintain. Both fencing materials do not require yearly treatment, staining or painting. A yearly spray down with the garden hose to wash off any dirt build up is all you will need to keep both types of fencing looking as good as new.

Installation: Both vinyl and aluminum fence panels are simple to install. Aluminum wins when it comes to a yard with a slope or grade to it. Aluminum fencing offers an ease of rack ability that does not easily happen with vinyl. Both are easily installed in a weekend and fit together like a puzzle.

Beauty: The look of vinyl is completely different than that of aluminum. The styles they offer are on two ends of the spectrum. Depending on the exterior look and feel of your home and landscape will determine where you stand on choosing between vinyl and wholesale aluminum fencing. Both come in a variety of styles and colors to choose from ranging from modern to classic to everything in between.

Seclusion: When it comes to privacy fencing aluminum vinyl may be a better material to suit your needs. If you have a spying neighbor or a need to hide the neighbor’s unattractive landscape you will want a solid fence which you will find in vinyl. Aluminum has an eye catching appeal but if you are looking for backyard seclusion vinyl is a better choice.

Now it is time for you to be the judge. What material best suits what you are looking for out a fence. Both offer strong, resilient, stylish, affordable options in fencing that suit the many needs homeowners have when looking for pool or perimeter fencing.

iFenceUSA offers the widest variety of maintenance-free, no-rust aluminum fences and gates in the industry! Whether you are a pool contractor, a building contractor, an architect, a landscaping professional, or a “do-it-yourself” homeowner looking for exceptional value and installation advice, you’ll benefit by buying wholesale aluminum fences shipped factory-direct to your home or business anywhere in America from!

Order Wholesale Aluminum Fencing Online

Have you determined that now is the perfect time to fence in your yard?  It’s time to start considering aluminum ornamental fencing.  Not only is aluminum fencing easy t install and practically maintenance free it is also incredibly durable.  It is one of the only attractive barriers for your home and landscape.  Create a detailed fencing plan before placing an order for wholesale aluminum fencing to further simplify the entire project.  In no time flat you will be enjoying your enclosed, secure landscape.

iFenceUSA Logo

Determine Your Need

What is it that you hope to accomplish with the installation of an aluminum fence?   Are you looking for a pet barrier, an obstacle to prevent children from accessing the pool, or to protect your privacy?  They style fencing you choose will mainly be based upon why you are choosing to install a fence in the first place.  If the goal is to keep a pet within the backyard boundary you will want a fence style that offers puppy pickets.  This style takes into account escape artists with extra bottom pickets in place.  If you are looking for pool safety you will want B.O.C.A. regulation aluminum fencing.

Research Local Code

You need to research state, local and H.O.A. regulations.  Many communities have regulations in place in regards to fencing to sustain a certain appeal within the neighborhood.  Look into the policies that are in place in regards to the height, color and material of fencing that is allowed. Some communities have special rules for the distance between the fence and sidewalks; be sure that you completely understand what is expected out of your fencing before you place an order.

Hire Contractors

When ordering your fence you will have the assistance of customer service specialists that work within the industry.  They will help you plan, design, measure and order everything you need for your new fence.  Wholesale aluminum fence suppliers specialize in decoding what even the most novice client’s need.  Hire a contractor that specializes in aluminum fence installation.  You don’t want second-rate installation to ruin the aesthetics of your new aluminum fencing.

Maintain Your New Fence

After the fence has been ordered and installed it is your job to make sure that the fence is properly maintained and cared for.  Aluminum fencing requires minimal maintenance.  Depending on the season and the weather your climate experiences will determine how often your fence needs to be cleaned.  Even in the harshest climate the most that will need to be done to keep your fence looking as good as new is some soap and water.  Rinsing the fence down with soap and water every few months will keep your home and landscape looking fresh and well maintained.

Ordering your new fence online through a wholesale aluminum fencing supplier will save you money.  This is a great way to get the most out of your hard earned money.  Ordering aluminum fence panels through residential home stores often costs homeowners upwards of fifteen to twenty percent more over online fence suppliers.  Giving you the highest quality of fencing you can buy at an affordable price.

iFenceUSA offers the widest variety of maintenance-free, no-rust aluminum fences and gates in the industry! Whether you are a pool contractor, a building contractor, an architect, a landscaping professional, or a “do-it-yourself” homeowner looking for exceptional value and installation advice, you’ll benefit by buying wholesale aluminum fences shipped factory-direct to your home or business anywhere in America!

Four Tips To Consider When Choosing A Fence For Your Home

  • Define the purpose for the fence: Why are you looking into fencing in the first place?  Are you looking to add privacy, visual appeal, perimeter fencing to keep young children and pets in or to provide a barrier from your pool.

Fencing comes in a variety of materials: wood, aluminum, wrought iron, chain link, vinyl and many more.  Given the right material and correct installation a fence can be a key piece of landscaping that increases your homes property value.  Let the answer to the question above be the guide to the material you choose.  Prioritize your needs for a fence over your wants.

Aluminum fencing tends to work well for a variety of situations and is incredibly pleasing to the eye.  The decorative touches, such as finials and butterfly scrolls, in aluminum fence offer an elegance not found in other types of fencing.  It is often the required choice by homeowners associations.

  • Consider the maintenance required to maintain the fence: Ask yourself how much time and money you are willing to spend to maintain your fence.

Wooden fences require regular maintenance.  Fencing needs to be power washed every couple of years and either painted or stained.  Aluminum and vinyl require very little maintenance which tends to be an appealing option to many homeowners.  To clean vinyl or aluminum fencing all that is required is a gentle water rinse, wiping down any areas that are stained or covered in algae.  

  • Research local city and neighborhood fencing regulations: What rules are in place?  Does your homeowners association require a certain height or type of material with the installation of a fence?  What are the local city ordinances; this is especially important when it comes to fencing around your swimming pool.

If there are rules in place that specify the use of a certain material in your fencing you don’t have much choice.  Many HOA’s require aluminum fencing as it is elegant and withstands a variety of severe weather conditions.  HOA’s stipulate specific rules for homeowners in certain neighborhoods to maintain the subdivisions visual appeal.

  • Hire a professional fence contractor to install your fence: Research professional fencing contractors that install fences in your area.

Many fences can be installed by do it yourself homeowners however if often shows in the end product.  A contractor that specializes in the installation of fencing is your best bet for a quality end result.  It is too expensive to buy materials for your new fence only to ruin the aesthetics of it with poor installation.

iFenceUSA offers the widest variety of maintenance-free, no-rust aluminum fences and gates in the industry! Whether you are a pool contractor, a building contractor, an architect, a landscaping professional, or a “do-it-yourself” homeowner looking for exceptional value and installation advice, you’ll benefit by buying wholesale aluminum fences shipped factory-direct to your home or business anywhere in America from!