Category Archives: pool safety

Four Tips To Consider When Choosing A Fence For Your Home

  • Define the purpose for the fence: Why are you looking into fencing in the first place?  Are you looking to add privacy, visual appeal, perimeter fencing to keep young children and pets in or to provide a barrier from your pool.

Fencing comes in a variety of materials: wood, aluminum, wrought iron, chain link, vinyl and many more.  Given the right material and correct installation a fence can be a key piece of landscaping that increases your homes property value.  Let the answer to the question above be the guide to the material you choose.  Prioritize your needs for a fence over your wants.

Aluminum fencing tends to work well for a variety of situations and is incredibly pleasing to the eye.  The decorative touches, such as finials and butterfly scrolls, in aluminum fence offer an elegance not found in other types of fencing.  It is often the required choice by homeowners associations.

  • Consider the maintenance required to maintain the fence: Ask yourself how much time and money you are willing to spend to maintain your fence.

Wooden fences require regular maintenance.  Fencing needs to be power washed every couple of years and either painted or stained.  Aluminum and vinyl require very little maintenance which tends to be an appealing option to many homeowners.  To clean vinyl or aluminum fencing all that is required is a gentle water rinse, wiping down any areas that are stained or covered in algae.  

  • Research local city and neighborhood fencing regulations: What rules are in place?  Does your homeowners association require a certain height or type of material with the installation of a fence?  What are the local city ordinances; this is especially important when it comes to fencing around your swimming pool.

If there are rules in place that specify the use of a certain material in your fencing you don’t have much choice.  Many HOA’s require aluminum fencing as it is elegant and withstands a variety of severe weather conditions.  HOA’s stipulate specific rules for homeowners in certain neighborhoods to maintain the subdivisions visual appeal.

  • Hire a professional fence contractor to install your fence: Research professional fencing contractors that install fences in your area.

Many fences can be installed by do it yourself homeowners however if often shows in the end product.  A contractor that specializes in the installation of fencing is your best bet for a quality end result.  It is too expensive to buy materials for your new fence only to ruin the aesthetics of it with poor installation.

iFenceUSA offers the widest variety of maintenance-free, no-rust aluminum fences and gates in the industry! Whether you are a pool contractor, a building contractor, an architect, a landscaping professional, or a “do-it-yourself” homeowner looking for exceptional value and installation advice, you’ll benefit by buying wholesale aluminum fences shipped factory-direct to your home or business anywhere in America from!

Installing An Aluminum Pool Fence


Having an in-ground swimming pool installed at your home is the ultimate in luxury and relaxation.  The pool area offers fun, enjoyment and memories that will last your family a lifetime.  It is important that the pool environment is safe to ensure those memories are favorable ones.  The last thing anyone wants to relive is an accident that happens in or around their pool area.  One of the best ways to make sure your pool is safe is with an aluminum pool fence.

Aluminum fence manufacturers offer a wide range of colors and styles to choose.  It is certain that you will find a decorative aluminum fence that compliments the exterior of your home as well as the homes landscaping and area surrounding the pool area.  Aluminum fencing is also easily customizable making it the perfect option to suit any size and shape swimming pool.

As with all pool safety features it is important that it is installed properly.  It is important to select a fence that meets the B.O.C.A. regulations.  It is also crucial that the pool’s fence is installed correctly.

Proper Aluminum Pool Fencing Installation Includes:

An area surrounding the perimeter of the pool clear of objects that children would be able to use to help them climb over the fence.  This can include such things as retaining walls, boulders, trees or other features within the landscape that can be stepped on to ease access over the fence.

An aluminum fence should be installed so that it completely surrounds all sides of the pool.  Some homeowners feel that hedges are enough to properly block children from accessing the area.  This is simply not true and is irresponsible.  The pool area must be completely enclosed with aluminum fencing.

When choosing an aluminum pool fence it is required that the pool is accessible through an entry gate.  The gate must be one that swings closed and latches without additional assistance.  This is ideal to ensure that the gate is latched helping to prevent accidentally leaving the pool gate open and the water accessible to young children or pets when unattended.

Swimming pool safety is of utmost importance to homeowners.  Aluminum fence helps to create an environment that does just this as well as being visually appealing.  Having a fence in place also helps to keep pets and wild animals away from the pool as well as security against vandals when not in use.

iFenceUSA offers the widest variety of maintenance-free, no-rust aluminum fences and gates in the industry! Whether you are a pool contractor, a building contractor, an architect, a landscaping professional, or a “do-it-yourself” homeowner looking for exceptional value and installation advice, you’ll benefit by buying wholesale aluminum fences shipped factory-direct to your home or business anywhere in America from!

Safe Swimming Pools With Aluminum Pool Fencing

When it comes to pool safety you can never be too cautious.  One of the leading causes of death among children under the age of five is accidental drowning.  Thousands of young children suffer near-death drowning injuries each year resulting in debilitating brain injuries from oxygen deprivation.  A solid defense against these life changing tragedies is a sturdy aluminum fence.  The addition of an aluminum fence along with safety conscious equipment and behaviors can help to prevent almost all accidents that are pool related.

Installing a solid aluminum fence is only one of the barriers used to separate children and pets from the pool.  It is arguably one of the most important however.  When choosing an aluminum fence it is important to purchase and install a fence that meets all B.O.C.A. regulations as well as the regulations set forth by your local government and homeowners associations.

The following are characteristics to consider when choosing a perimeter fence to purchase and install around your in-ground swimming pool.


Aluminum Pool Fence Requirements

Proper Height:  The minimum height requirement of pool fencing is forty eight inches (four feet) tall.  Decorative aluminum fencing can be purchased in a variety of heights and styles.  Taller fences work better of course to deter older and more active children from accessing the pool area unsupervised.

Sturdy Construction:  The installation of an aluminum fence is permanent.  It is not like other less sturdy pool fencing options such as mesh.  Aluminum is an incredibly durable, sturdy material for fencing and is perfect for the perimeter of a pool.  Aluminum is resistant to rust, chemicals and other environmental factors that it can come in contact with around a swimming pool.  Another benefit of aluminum pool fencing is the ease of maintenance.  No painting or staining is required to keep the fence looking as new as the day it was installed.

A Self Latching Gate:  It is required that any pool enclosure have a self-closing, self-latching gate as well.  Most every style of aluminum fence has a matching aluminum gate designed to compliment it.  When installing the appropriate aluminum gate add a padlock or other type of lock, out of the reach of small children as an additional safety feature.

Correct Bar Placement: The bar placement on your aluminum fence panels are important as well.  The horizontal bottom rail must be less than two inches from the ground.  This is crucial to keeping children and small pets from crawling under it in order to access the area.  It is also important if the decorative aluminum fence style you have chosen has a mid-rail it required that it is at least forty five inches above the bottom rail.

Incorporating the above, as well as the B.O.C.A. pool safety code can all be accomplished with aluminum fencing that compliments the landscape surrounding the pool area.  Aluminum pool fences are easily customized as well.  A reputable online fence retailer will assist you in the planning, designing, ordering and installing your new aluminum pool fence.

iFenceUSA offers the widest variety of maintenance-free, no-rust aluminum fences and gates in the industry! Whether you are a pool contractor, a building contractor, an architect, a landscaping professional, or a “do-it-yourself” homeowner looking for exceptional value and installation advice, you’ll benefit by buying wholesale aluminum fences shipped factory-direct to your home or business anywhere in America from!

Landscape Additions That Increase Home Values

Your yard is an extremely important extension of your home.   Your landscaping should be a reflection of the interior and exterior style of your home.  In this article we will discuss four basic concepts to use when upgrading your landscape to compliment the improvements to your home.

Level the Landscape

One simple way to increase the aesthetics of your yard while increasing the utility and beauty of the space is to level your landscape.  Homes built on an odd slope or cursed with sections of uneven land are not conducive to an active family.  When you level the landscape around your home it makes the space ideal for a patio or an area for kids and pets to run around and play.

Install a Decorative Aluminum Fence

decorative aluminum fence is the perfect addition in the creation of an inviting yard.  Not only is ornamental aluminum fencing appeal visually it is ideal when it comes to protecting your home and family.  Installing a durable, maintenance free aluminum fence creates a barrier keeping kids and pets in while discouraging unwanted trespassers from entering the property.  With the installation of aluminum fencing homeowners are certain to increase the value of their homes.  It is one of the only landscape additions where the expense is recouped with an increase in your homes equity.


Add Shade Trees

Adding trees especially shade trees to your yard will help to make your home and landscape more inviting.  Not only can mature trees increase the value of your home seven to nineteen percent they add to the visual appeal of your landscape.  Shade trees provide a home for roosting songbirds, cover for small animals and a canopy from the sun which helps to keep your home cool during the summer months.  Trees add personality and dimension to your space.  Trees can be purchased in a variety of variations and sizes.  Make sure you chose trees that will flourish in your climate for the most ideal results.

Install an In-Ground Swimming Pool

Upgrading your landscape with an in-ground swimming pool is almost mandatory in southern states.  Here in the north a swimming pool is a luxury addition to your landscape.  No matter where your home is located a swimming pool adds a component to the space that nothing else can.  A pool adds the feeling of relaxation to any landscape.  The minute you step into the space you instantly retreat to the feelings you experience on vacation.  The water helps homeowners unwind, slow down and kick back.  Your home and landscape will soon be the local sanctuary for your friends and family.

The addition of any one or all four of these yard improvements will help to ensure your landscape stays up to date with the improvement to the interior and exterior of your home.

iFenceUSA offers the widest variety of maintenance-free, no-rust aluminum fences and gates in the industry! Whether you are a pool contractor, a building contractor, an architect, a landscaping professional, or a “do-it-yourself” homeowner looking for exceptional value and installation advice, you’ll benefit by buying wholesale aluminum fences shipped factory-direct to your home or business anywhere in America from!

Swimming Pool Safety Tips for Children

The Centers for Disease Control reports that among children ages 1 to 4, drowning is the leading cause of death due to injury. With summer just about in full swing, here are some tips that will help keep your child safe around the swimming pool so that you do not have to take an unexpected trip to your nearest emergency medical facility.


Constant Supervision

Having an adult to supervise children at all times when they are in or near a pool is vital to helping ensure their safety. If there are any infants or toddlers in the pool, an adult must be in the water with them, always at arm’s reach. Even if the children are older, adults still need to be nearby. You must not be distracted while supervising; turn off the phone, do not take care of household chores, and definitely do not drink alcohol.

Establish Rules

You need to establish pool rules and make sure they are strictly followed. For example, do not allow any toys near the pool when the pool is not being used and empty all blow-up toys once everyone is done swimming. Also, do not allow any tricycles or bicycles at poolside and keep all electrical appliances at a safe distance. Make sure no one runs on the pool deck or dives in a pool that is not deep enough.


It is very easy for a small child to get to a pool that is not surrounded by a protective fence. Children can get through a doggy door, through a window or through a door that has been cracked open. Fences need to be climb-resistant, without any type of furniture of other item nearby that could be used to help a child get over. They also need to be at least four feet high with no more than four inches of space between the slats.

Gates should self-latch, self-close and be well maintained, and should only open away from a pool. The latch should be at least 54 inches from the bottom of the gate so that small children cannot open it.

Drains and Filters

Tragically, many children die because they swam too closely to a pool drain or filter and were trapped by the suction. Keep all swimmers away from these areas to eliminate the chances they will be harmed.

By following just a few basic safety precautions, you can make sure everyone stays protected and still has a great time in the pool this summer.

Original Source:

The iFence “Layers of Protection” Pool Safety Tips

Ifence pic

A swimming pool can offer your family wonderful times of enjoyment and many happy memories. In an imperfect world, however, there are often dangers associated even with the good things in life. At iFenceUSA™ we are firmly committed to helping protect children from harm. Our Resort Collection™ swimming pool fences are designed with pool safety in mind. Here we not only explain the standards we have built in to our fences but we also provide helpful tips to keep children safe. We want you to think in terms of “layers of protection.”

B.O.C.A. pool safety standards

The International Code Council (I.C.C.), more often known by their former name, the Building Officials and Code Administrators (B.O.C.A.), outline strong safety standards for swimming pool fences. In an effort to eliminate or reduce the accidental drowning of children, these standards have been recognized by many communities throughout the world.

Here are the highlights of the B.O.C.A./I.C.C. pool safety standards:

  1. The fence must be a minimum of 48″ tall (or taller, depending on distance between horizontal rails).
  2. The middle horizontal rail must be at least 45″ above the bottom horizontal rail (to prevent using the horizontal rails as a kind of ladder for climbing).
  3. The spacing between pickets must be less than 4″.
  4. If space between pickets is less than 1 3/4” (as in ourExtreme feature), rule #2 does not apply and fence does not have to be taller than 48” (because the tighter picket spacing has made climbing much more difficult).
  5. The space between the bottom horizontal rail and the ground must be less than 2″.
  6. The gate(s) must be self-closing and self-latching.
  7. The gate(s) need to open out (away from the pool area).
  8. The opening mechanism of the latch must be at least 54″ above grade (ground level).

When installing your pool fence it is important to realize that the purpose is to prevent entry, not exit. Consequently, the fence should be installed at least 48” away from any objects or grade inclines that could be used a “stepping stone” to gain entry into the pool area, such as steep hills, large rocks, retaining walls, air conditioner units, pool heaters, etc. If space is tight, consider a fence on the high ground. Failure to follow this code may result in costly non-compliance citations, including forced re-installation to meet code. We don’t want this to happen to you but more importantly, the safety of children is paramount!

Obey local laws regarding pool safety

While many communities have more relaxed standards, others have adopted more stringent standards. This is why we urge you to check your local pool fence legal codes before ordering your fence, as these codes often vary from B.O.C.A. standards. If a permit is required, we recommend you obtain the permit before ordering your fence. Often, a neighborhood association may have restrictions as well. We provide the fence specifications you need to determine compliance, but since we are not familiar with all local code nuances throughout the world, iFenceUSA™ is not responsible if the fence you order does not comply with your local codes, whether government- or association-initiated.

Location of your fence

Swimming pools can be enclosed by a fence surrounding the pool while totally detached from your house or other “pass through” structure. Another plan is to use the house itself as a partial barrier, with fencing extending out from it to enclose the pool area and then terminating back at the house. The latter plan may comply with your local community pool safety codes (usually with alarms on all points of entry into the pool area from within the house), but it is our considered opinion that a separately enclosed pool area offers children a greater degree of protection. A child that “slips” outside would still have another layer to get through. We encourage you to thoughtfully plan for the safety of children, your own and others who may visit, and make decisions based on what you think is best, and the governing laws in your community.

Additional Safety Tips

Following are some options for protecting children and preventing accidents as provided by the Association of Pool and Spa Professionals:

  1. Safety Covers:An impenetrable covering that completely covers the pool, spa, or hot tub will prevent access to the water when there is not supervision.
  2. Alarms:Alarms are available for doors, fences, in pools, and as a clip-on for children. Alarms detect unwanted entrances to your pool, spa, or hot tub.
  3. Rope and Float Line:Place these across the pool to alert swimmers to the separation of the deep end from the shallow end of the pool.
  4. Rescue Equipment:Equipment such as a life ring and shepherd’s hook should be placed near the pool in an easily accessible spot.
  5. Posted Emergency Information:Post all CPR, other emergency information, and warning signs, as well as the emergency telephone number – 911 – near the pool, spa, or hot tub.
  6. Outside Telephone:Be sure to have a telephone in case you need to summon help.

For more information on childhood drowning prevention, contact the Consumer Product Safety Commission by calling (800) 638-2772 or visit and view publication No. 359 and No. 362.

Original Source:

Preferred Option In Perimeter Fencing

When you plan to install a fence around the perimeter of your yard or swimming pool there are a variety of options to consider.   Out of the vast array of options the most popular material in fencing continues to be aluminum.  When you look at all of the options on the market and compare the benefits of aluminum over other materials you will see why it continues to be the number one selling material in fencing.

Aluminum fencing is a preferred option in fencing for the many benefits it offers to homeowners.  Below you will find a list of the advantageous that aluminum offers over wood, vinyl, chain link, wrought iron and other fence materials.

Minimal Cleaning and Maintenance:  The prime advantage that aluminum has over other materials in fencing is the lack of time and money you will spend on the upkeep.  Aluminum fence does not require special cleaning or maintenance.  In order to keep your fence in the same shape as the day that it was installed all that is required is a light power washing every once in a while when dirt, algae or moss starts to grow.

Huge Selection of Styles:  Ornamental aluminum fencing comes in so many variations.  Whether you are looking for something simple or something decorative there is a style that will compliment the exterior of your home.  Decorative finials add a historical look while circles appear modern; depending on what you desire there are features you can add to create the perfect combination for your yard or pool area.

Resistant To Corrosion:  Aluminum fencing is resistant to corrosion.  Once the fence is installed the metal is prepared in such a way that it preserves the natural shine for a long period of time.  Often times the aluminum is powder-coated which offers a smooth finish to the surface of the fence.  You can purchase aluminum fencing in a variety of colors therefore it never will need to be painted.

Easy Installation:  The installation of aluminum fence panels is just another reason this material is chosen often for perimeter fencing.  Being that you can install aluminum fence on your own in a weekend, it is that easy, it saves homeowners a great deal of money in installation.  If you are not a do it yourselfer finding a fence installer will be simple.

Aluminum fencing is also easy to repair, durable, light-weight and competitive in price as well.  The benefits of choosing aluminum are abundant therefore making it a continued favorite for homeowners.

iFenceUSA offers the widest variety of maintenance-free, no-rust aluminum fences and gates in the industry! Whether you are a pool contractor, a building contractor, an architect, a landscaping professional, or a “do-it-yourself” homeowner looking for exceptional value and installation advice, you’ll benefit by buying wholesale aluminum fences shipped factory-direct to your home or business anywhere in America from!

Five Major Benefits When Choosing Aluminum Fencing

When it comes to popular fencing options in both residential and commercial use it is evident aluminum is leading the pack.  The same is true when looking at pool fencing; aluminum is the most reliable, advantageous material in fencing today.  When it comes to protecting ones business or family it is crucial that you install a fence that is strong and durable.  This is especially true surrounding pool areas.  It is a must that you keep children safe and protect your investment from unwanted pests and guests.  Not only is aluminum fencing the perfect choice for the perimeter of your landscape it is ideal to enclose in-ground pools.

Advantages Of Aluminum Pool Fencing

There are a variety of benefits in choosing aluminum when looking for a material to use for the fence around your pool.  Aluminum is not only durable, aesthetically pleasing, affordable and strong it is also maintenance free and affordable.  Pool fencing, in aluminum, is an investment that will last a lifetime while looking as fresh as the day it was installed.

Durable:  When comparing wood, vinyl, chain link and other fencing materials you will find aluminum to be the most durable of all fence materials.  Aluminum does not rust or require regular maintenance.  The powder coating is one of the many reasons that aluminum is the choice of many pool owners.  The coating helps to keep the fence looking as fresh as the day it was first installed.  You will find that your aluminum fence lasts a lifetime and will not need to be replaced.  In fact most manufactures of aluminum pool fencing offer lifetime warranties against manufacturing defects such as rust.

Strong:  Aluminum fence is offered in a number of different grades unlike any other type of fencing.  You can choose from residential, light commercial, heavy duty commercial, industrial and pool strengths.  You will choose a fence grade based on your need; no matter the setting aluminum fencing is available in a grade that is appropriate for your application.

Affordable:  Aluminum fence is not the most affordable fencing material up front.  This however is outweighed when you take into consideration the maintenance expense required with other materials in fencing.   Taking into consideration all of these things you will see that overall, given the lifetime of aluminum fencing, it is less expensive than any other material used in fencing.

Attractive:  When it comes to your home, business or pool area your landscape is important.  The last thing you want to do is install an unattractive fence.  With aluminum this is impossible.  Aluminum fencing comes in a variety of sizes, colors and styles.  There is sure to be an ornamental aluminum fence option that enhances your home, business or pool.

Installation:  Aluminum is an easy material to install when it comes to fencing especially around your pool area.  Aluminum fencing comes in panels that are already put together and are ready to be put in place.   Aluminum fence panels are lighter than other option in fencing making it easier to carry as well.  It is one of the most straight forward, easy to install materials in fencing.

iFence USA offers a variety of maintenance-free, no-rust aluminum fences and gates in the industry! Whether you are a pool contractor, a building contractor, an architect, a landscaping professional, or a “do-it-yourself” homeowner looking for value and installation advice, you’ll benefit by buying aluminum fences shipped factory-direct from!

Choosing Aluminum Over Other Types Of Fencing Materials

Are you interested in installing an aluminum fence in your yard or around your in-ground swimming pool? Before you design, order or install your new fence it is important to understand the benefits and advantages to the material you are selecting. The goal when installing a new fence is to choose a material and style of fencing that works well with the look of your home. It is also important that the fence meets your expectation in regards to ease of installation and maintenance as well. When looking into different materials for your fence you will see that aluminum fencing is the only way to go.

The benefits derived from aluminum fencing over other materials are abundant. Below you will find the top five reasons consumers give when selecting aluminum fencing for their swimming pools or the perimeter of their landscape.

Visual Appeal: Aluminum is the most aesthetically pleasing material that can be chosen for fencing. It is that may have available in a number of styles and color combinations; one is sure to accentuate your home and landscape perfectly. The appeal of aluminum extends to an increase in property value for your home as well.

Maintenance Level: One of the most beloved characteristics of aluminum fence is the care level at which it takes to maintain the fence. Aluminum is basically maintenance free. It does not require painting, staining or yearly power washing. In order to allow aluminum to look as beautiful as the day it was installed spray it yearly with a garden hose and be sure to remove any algae or moss. An aluminum fence is the most sturdy and durable type of fencing available. It will stand the test of time wearing better than any other fencing material on the market today.

Safe and Secure: Aluminum fence panels can be purchased in a variety of heights. This will ensure that your homes perimeter will not only keep your kids and pets safe within; it also ensures that others stay out. This is true for aluminum pool fencing that is installed around an in-ground swimming pool. The fence height can be ordered to meet B.O.C.A. regulations. This will help to keep little ones out of the area while not in the presence of an adult.

Colors, Style and Sizes: Variety is something that aluminum fencing is never short on. There are several styles, colors and ornamental decorations to choose from when looking into a fence for your yard. Aluminum fence panels are truly customizable to your particular need. No other fence material has as many variations as aluminum does.

Ease of Installation: Aluminum fence is one material that can be installed on your own and look as if it was done by professional fence installers. The process of installing an aluminum fence is fairly simple. Following the step by step instructions and using online support, installing your new perimeter fence can be simply done within a weekend.

When you look into other fence materials you will see how aluminum outweighs the competition in every way. Aluminum fence offers a large variety of choices is visually beautiful, maintenance free, secure and can be installed easily; what more could you ask for?

iFence USA offers the widest variety of maintenance-free, no-rust aluminum fences and gates in the industry! Whether you are a pool contractor, a building contractor, an architect, a landscaping professional, or a “do-it-yourself” homeowner looking for exceptional value and installation advice, you’ll benefit by buying wholesale aluminum fences shipped factory-direct to your home or business anywhere in America from!

Magna-Latch® ideal for pool-safe gates

What do you do when the gate meets code at 48” tall but the latch mechanism must be 54” above grade?  The solution is here!  This state-of-the-art latch is the “hands free” way of closing your gate and greatly reduces the risk of leaving a gate open for kids or pets to slip out. One of the world’s safest gate latches, ideal for swimming pool gates and other child safety enclosures, Magna-Latch’s® magnetically triggered action means there’s no mechanical resistance to closure. Problems with gate latches jamming or sticking, associated with traditional mechanical latches, are eliminated. It can be installed quickly and easily to gates of all materials, adjusts horizontally and vertically, during and after installation. Series 2 is 20% stronger than previous models and has been tested to 400,000 cycles. It will last the test of time. Visit is at to learn more.