Category Archives: pool safety

BOCA pool safety code | aluminum pool fences

Swimming Pool Fences Are Usually Subject to Strict Guidelines

Integrity Aluminum Products™ places a high priority on safety and we want you to be aware of potential hazards for children. Always remember that when a pool is involved, pool fences are subject to more restrictions for the safety of children. Please take the time to review our pool safety link.

Pool-safe Latches and Hinges for Swimming Pool Fences

Ordinary latches and hinges just don’t cut it when you are enclosing a swimming pool. The gates must be auto-closing and self-latching. Additionally, the latch mechanism that opens the gate must be positioned at least 54” above grade according to the BOCA pool safety code. This may seem to be in conflict with some fence styles that only have to be 48” tall to meet the same code that requires the latch to be 54” above grade! This rule can be satisfied with specially designed latches that attach to the gate but have a release mechanism that protrudes above the gate as needed. We carry a full line of gate latches and hinges, featured in our product gallery .

How Tall does a Pool Fence need to be?

That depends. And we’re not trying to be smart.  Often, there is confusing and conflicting information about pool fence height requirements. Yes, a pool fence must be at least 48” tall.  But not all 48” fences comply with this minimal requirement. Any fence that has more than 1.75” of space between vertical pickets (and most do) must then pass another hurdle: the lowest horizontal rail (some might call it a bar) must have a clearance of at least 45” from it to the top of the next higher horizontal rail. Let’s call this the 45” rule. This is to prevent children from slipping their feet between the vertical pickets and climb on the “bars”, using them like rungs on a ladder.  So many fence styles with 3 horizontal rails must be taller than 48” in order to comply with the 45” rule. In fact, most flat top metal fences need to be 54” tall to comply, and most spear top fences need to be 60” tall to comply. How the bottom rail is positioned on a fence can also impact the overall height needed for compliance. For instance, a flush Bottom Rail can make the difference needed for a pool fence to comply in a slightly shorter overall height. Feel free to call us at 800-762-8876 if you need more information about whether a pool fence style complies with the B.O.C.A. pool safety code. We are happy to answer your questions.

Installation Tips for the Safety of Small Children

Keeping pool fencing a safe distance away from objects outside the pool area such as air conditioner units is addressed by the BOCA pool safety code and is almost universally enforced by inspectors. This is a good idea for the protection of children. When retaining walls are involved and it is not possible to maintain adequate clearance from the incline, consider installing your aluminum pool fence on the high ground! All of our Resort Collection™ aluminum pool fences comply with the rigid safety standards of BOCA!

Local Pool Fence Safety Codes Can Vary

While some communities have very relaxed codes, others have adopted more stringent safety laws. We recommend you review your local pool fence legal codes before ordering your aluminum pool fence, as these laws often vary from B.O.C.A. pool safety standards. If a permit is required, we recommend you obtain the permit before ordering your aluminum fence. Often, a neighborhood association may have restrictions as well. Sometimes, these restrictions are in conflict with the local government codes and this needs to be worked out (usually, government trumps the neighborhood). We provide the fence specifications you need to determine B.O.C.A. code compliance, but we don’t guarantee compliance with your local laws so it is important that you do your homework to determine what local codes you will be subject to, whether government- or association-initiated.

More Information about Swimming Pool Fencing

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How to plan for a swimming pool safety fence

When considering a new swimming pool, it is very important to plan ahead for a safety fence to protect children from the possibility of accidental drowning. For instance, swimming pools can be enclosed by a fence surrounding the pool while totally detached from your house or other “pass through” structure. Another plan is to use the house itself as a partial barrier, with fencing extending out from it to enclose the pool area and then terminating back at the house. The latter plan may comply with your local community pool safety codes (usually with alarms on all points of entry into the pool area from within the house), but it is our considered opinion that a separately enclosed pool area offers children a greater degree of protection. A child that “slips” outside would still have another layer to get through.

We encourage you to thoughtfully plan for the safety of children, not only your own but also others who may visit, and make decisions based on what you think is best, and the governing laws in your community. These laws, or codes, often comply with what is known as the BOCA pool fence safety standard. Some communities offer more relaxed versions of this standard while others demand more stringent standards. Usually, you can find out what the laws in your community are by simply getting on line and searching the name of your county, township or city along with “pool code” or “building code.”  If this doesn’t work, call the appropriate government office directly and ask for a copy of the code. Additionally, it is a very good idea to see if you have a neighborhood association and whether this association has additional binding requirements.

At, we specialize in pool fence designs that comply with the BOCA code for pool safety. We can also modify fences, as needed, for more stringent requirements. Please visit our link on pool safety to learn more about the BOCA pool safety standard. You can also call us for compliance assistance. We are happy to review any document you provide us with, as well as supply you with architectural drawings that give detailed dimensions of our products. These can be very useful as governing authorities often require this information at the time permit(s) are pulled for your project.

We cordially invite you to put our experience to work for you. No pressure, just good old-fashioned service.  No kidding.

Swimming pool safety comes first

A swimming pool can offer your family wonderful times of enjoyment and many happy memories. In an imperfect world, however, there are often dangers associated even with the good things in life. At iFenceUSA™ we are firmly committed to helping protect children from harm. Our Resort Collection™ swimming pool fences are designed with pool safety in mind. Safety standards are built in to our fences but we want you to think in terms of “layers of protection” when it comes to your precious little ones.  Visit our Pool Safety link to learn more about the BOCA pool safety requirements and get helpful tips on how to make pool areas safer for children.

Aluminum fences ideal for pool safety

You’d be hard-pressed to find a kid who didn’t want to live in a house with a swimming pool. Kids love to swim, and the idea of being able to swim whenever they want in the summer is irresistible to them. Many parents want to give their kids the pool of their dreams, but are hesitant to install a pool in the backyard because of the possible safety hazards. This is a valid concern, since the leading cause of death for children under the age of five is accidental drowning. But you can give your kids what they want and still keep them safe by installing pool fences around your pool.

There are many types of pool fences, ranging from vinyl or aluminum fencing to simple nets to decorate wrought iron fencing. All of these options will help to keep your children safe from the danger of falling into the pool and drowning. And that’s the primary purpose of the fence, after all: to keep your children safe. It can also prevent people from sneaking onto your property to enjoy your pool without your permission. A good pool fence should allow you to get the maximum enjoyment out of your swimming pool while mitigating any concerns you might have.

While there are several different types of fencing that do a perfectly adequate job of protecting your children and protecting your pool, you don’t just want any kind of fencing. You want to be sure to choose from pool fences that meet your specific needs. If you have small children, you’d need a fence with narrow slats that your children can’t crawl through. If you have pets, you’ll need a fence that is low enough to prevent your puppy or kitten from crawling through and falling into the pool. You want to be sure to evaluate your needs before choosing a fence.

Ultimately, there’s no reason that this safety measure can’t add to the aesthetic of your home as well. There are plenty of attractive pool fences on the market, and there’s sure to be one that fits your home’s sensibility. You should choose a fencing contractor that offers a variety of styles for you to choose from. There are plenty of contractors that offer different styles of safe fences, so you ought to be able to find a fence that will meet your needs and still fit in with your home’s existing style. You can be safe and beautiful at the same time.