Aluminum Fencing and Gates: A Versatile and Secure Enclosure to Your Swimming Pool

If your backyard features a swimming pool it is crucial that you add an aluminum pool fence and self-latching, self-closing aluminum gate. You’ll be able to keep your family safe and enhance the beauty of your backyard with a long-lasting and durable aluminum fence and gate. Not only is it an affordable option but you can customize your aluminum fence and gate since they come in a variety of colors and style. There are many reasons to choose an aluminum fence to enclose your backyard swimming pool.

Provides More Privacy to Your Backyard

To provide your family more privacy from the neighbors when you’re outside swimming, an aluminum fence and gate will hide what you’re doing from others, allowing you to enjoy some privacy from peeping eyes. Your family will feel comfortable going about their swimming routine without having to worry about nosy neighbors trying to see in to your backyard.

An Enclosed Area

If you have pets, you might want to enclose them somewhere so that they don’t access certain areas in your home or yard when you’re not home. Aluminum fences and gates provide a convenient enclosure for them to roam around in without having to cage them or place them in a tiny space somewhere else.  An aluminum swimming pool fence will also keep pets out of the pool area as well.

 Safety Measure

When you have small kids and a backyard pool, you’re always worrying about them going out alone and ending up in the pool. To ease your mind and provided added safety, aluminum fences and gates will act as a barrier for little rooms who wander out into the backyard alone. They won’t be able to reach the pool and your mind will be at ease knowing you decreased the risk of them drowning.

Add Space to Your Home

By sectioning off your yard with an aluminum gate and aluminum fence, you’ll be able to add space to your home, allowing you a private section to entertain guests or simply sit back outside and relax in comfort.

Any do it yourself homeowner can install an aluminum fence in their backyard; it’s really that simple! Installing aluminum fencing surrounding your pool can take as little as an afternoon or as long as a weekend.  Aluminum fence panels and gates will more than meet your expectations!

iFenceUSA is an online manufacturer and distributor of wholesale aluminum fencing. With over 18 styles of aluminum fence panels and gates to choose from, we have aluminum fences that will meet your wants and need.  Choose from custom aluminum fencing options including: Commercial Grade Aluminum Fencing, Residential Grade Aluminum Fencing, Pool Grade Aluminum Fencing, and Industrial Aluminum Fencing all at  For more information contact one of our aluminum fence experts toll free 800.762.2907 or via email at


Tips to Care for Your Aluminum Fence

The exterior of your home, your homes curb appeal reflects a great deal on how your home is viewed overall.  Many homeowners look for ways in which to spruce up the exterior of their home.  One way that this can be achieved is with the installation of a new aluminum fence.  Not only does an aluminum fence increase the aesthetics of the property it increases safety while increasing the homes overall value.

Aluminum fence panels are created from a corrosion resisting property which allows it to last longer than other fence materials.  Even with its corrosion resisting nature, aluminum fences like everything in the world require routine maintenance. Below are a few tips for ways you maintain your aluminum fence better for long-lasting results.

Regular Washing

Fences being out in the open are prone to the building up of dirt, mud, grass, mold, and unwanted growth if left unmaintained. Because of this very reason as a basic cleaning ritual, it is advised to use a pressure hose regularly on your fence to remove any sort of accumulated debris that might cause damage to it.

Routine Levelling Check

A routine checkup of your aluminum fence is suggested to ensure leveling. It’s easier to check and devise leveling of your aluminum fence on a windy day if you see it swaying and tilting on one side because of the wind pressure then be sure to secure it as it appears to have loosened up.

Scratches and Chipping

Aluminum fences face scratches and chips that are easily maintained and should not present the issues that arise with other types of fence materials. Use some exterior touch up paint specific for aluminum fencing and it will be as good as new.  Other fencing materials such as wood require yearly staining or word protection to keep it looking as good as it does when it is first installed however this is not the case with aluminum fencing.

Avoid Chemicals

Aluminum fencing is powder coated and therefore when maintaining them it is important not to use harsh chemicals.  Most household cleansers, abrasive chemicals, harsh agents, acidic solvents, steel wool, and industrial type cleansers should be avoided.

For greater maintenance repeat the above maintenance tips to fully protect your aluminum fence, because maintenance costs less than a full replacement. In other words, protect your fence, so it can protect you for longer.

iFenceUSA is an online manufacturer and distributor of wholesale aluminum fencing. With over 18 styles of aluminum fence panels and gates to choose from, we have aluminum fences that will meet your wants and need.  Choose from custom aluminum fencing options including: Commercial Grade Aluminum Fencing, Residential Grade Aluminum Fencing, Pool Grade Aluminum Fencing, and Industrial Aluminum Fencing all at  For more information contact one of our aluminum fence experts toll free 800.762.2907 or via email at


Fundamental Questions to Ask When Purchasing Aluminum Fencing

Aluminum fencing has a number of known benefits including quality, durability, low-maintenance, and versatility.  When making a purchase of this magnitude it is important to research the options that are available.  The installation of an aluminum fence can impact your homes property value.  This is why it is important that homeowners, and business owners alike, look into all of the available options in aluminum fence before deciding on one.

When you are purchasing an aluminum fence for the first time take time to look at all of the available options.  Most homeowners find that wholesale aluminum fencing from online suppliers have the most options to choose from at the best possible prices.  There is no need to rush into deciding when it comes to fencing.  Take advantage of the online tools to visualize how your new fence will look when installed around your home, backyard, or swimming pool.

Shopping for Aluminum Fencing

  • Many homeowners don’t realize that there are a multitude of aluminum fence grades to choose from: residential, B.O.C.A. approved pool, commercial, and industrial. Different grades of aluminum fencing come in a variety of weights.  Residential grade aluminum fences are lighter than the others and are most adequate for perimeter fencing for backyards.  The grade of fencing that you choose will depend on where the fence is going to be installed; industrial grade aluminum fencing being the heaviest.
  • As far as installation is concerned, aluminum fencing is one of the easiest. Decorative aluminum fencing comes in pre-assembled panels that are easy to install.  Most do it yourselfers are totally capable of installing a new aluminum fence in a weekend.  This helps save on installation fees as well.
  • When choosing an aluminum fence take into consideration the styles and color options that are available. Aluminum fencing comes in a number of colors and styles.  Sometimes settling on an option can be a bit overwhelming; especially if you are a visual person.  Consider what you like and which designs are practical for your property.  Certain styles and colors are more common such as flat rail, black aluminum fencing.
  • Check out the warranty options available from different wholesale aluminum fence suppliers. Michigan is known for having a number of climates within the same week from heavy winds, storms, rain, snow, sleet, and so on.  In the rare event that your aluminum fence becomes damaged it is important to be protected.  Also, it is important to make sure on the rare chance there is manufacturer defect that it will be covered as well.  There are many things that are out of your control but at least you can be sure you are prepared in case it does.

iFenceUSA is an online manufacturer and distributor of wholesale aluminum fencing. With over 18 styles of aluminum fence panels and gates to choose from, we have aluminum fences that will meet your wants and need.  Choose from custom aluminum fencing options including: Commercial Grade Aluminum Fencing, Residential Grade Aluminum Fencing, Pool Grade Aluminum Fencing, and Industrial Aluminum Fencing all at  For more information contact one of our aluminum fence experts toll free 800.762.2907 or via email at



Security In Pool Ownership With Aluminum Fence Installation

Safety is of the utmost importance when it comes to owning a swimming pool.  If you have a pool and it doesn’t have a fence it is crucial that one is installed sooner rather than later.  Not only is a fence around a pool required by law, there are a number of other factors that make a metal fence advantageous to install around your pool.

Government Regulations

Local and federal government regulations regarding pool safety including the installation of fencing.  There are guidelines in place that state in-ground and above-ground swimming pools must be protected by the installation of a barrier that separates the pool from the yard.  The barrier must be installed in a manner that makes it unable to be accessed by climbing over it and the barrier must be taller than forty-eight inches.  Most often homeowners choose to install fencing as the barrier between the pool and the landscape.  Aluminum pool fencing offers protection for you, your family, and others.

Prevent Unsupervised Access

Installing aluminum pool fencing prevents unauthorized entrance to the pool area without supervision. A fence keeps neighbors and outsiders from accessing the pool without your permission.  Another benefit to adding a swimming pool fence to your yard is that it prevents a potential accident from occurring.  Without an aluminum fence in place accidental drowning is more likely as there is free access to children and pets playing in the yard without direct supervision.  Which occurs simply from turning your back to grab some more lemonade for the kids or to grab a bowl of water for the dog.  We take our eyes off kids and pets sometime unintentionally; a metal pool fence offers additional security in events such as these.

Additional Safety

A fence installed around the swimming pool is one of the best decisions that homeowners can make.  Aluminum fencing ensures that children do not go swimming without supervision while providing a sense or assurance.  Fences prevent intruders, animals, and neighborhood children from entering areas that they are not allowed to enter.  It is also important to install a gate that is over forty-eight inches tall with self-closing and self-latching hardware to ensure that the fence closes on its own.


As a pool owner it is crucial to take the utmost care to limit access to the area.  Aluminum pool fencing is just the first step in a process of ensuring the area is safe.  The installation of a metal pool fence is fast, easy, and affordable; it also limits the liability of pool ownership.


The installation of ornamental aluminum fence can emphasize the beauty of the pool and landscape.  Some homeowners worry about a fence drawing attention away from the pool however this is the farthest thing from the truth.  In fact, a decorative aluminum fence adds style, class, and elegance in addition to offer safety, privacy, and security.

iFenceUSA is an online manufacturer and distributor of wholesale aluminum fencing. With over 18 styles of aluminum fence panels and gates to choose from, we have aluminum fences that will meet your wants and need.  Choose from custom aluminum fencing options including: Commercial Grade Aluminum Fencing, Residential Grade Aluminum Fencing, Pool Grade Aluminum Fencing, and Industrial Aluminum Fencing all at  For more information contact one of our metal pool fence experts toll free 800.762.2907 or via email at

Aluminum Fence Panels Ease Installation

For homes and business that require a fence the task of choosing a fence material, color, style, and more can be quite daunting.  Choosing the right fencing is important not only for aesthetics but also safety and ease of installation.  There are many different materials commonly used in residential and commercial fencing however, aluminum tends to be the most popular based on durability, look, and ease of installation.  Aluminum fencing is basically maintenance free and has an abundance of benefits over other typical fencing styles.


Aluminum fence panels can be very easy to install because of the way they are shipped, already put together.  There are no individual planks that require attention.  Aluminum is also a very light metal which means that most do it yourselfers will be able to lift the fence panels into place.  Aluminum fencing panels are made to go up quickly.  A typical backyard can be fenced in within a weekend when using aluminum fencing.


There is zero additional prep work to be done once the fence is in place.  Aluminum fence panels are bought pre-painted.  For most residential and commercial fence owners the most annoying part of owning a fence is the yearly maintenance of cleaning and staining.  This is not an issue with aluminum as it does not rust do to the protective powder coating that is applied before the color of the fence is applied.


Aluminum is a metal that is naturally resistant to the elements. It does not rust or corrode when exposed to water like iron will. It is a metal that will not rot or deteriorate, unlike its wood counterpart. This makes it a very low maintenance solution. If it ever needs repainted it is much simpler than painting iron because the prep work is cut in half without the presence of rust.


Fencing and gates in aluminum are durable against the elements.  The panel design makes it an easy weekend project for most homeowners that are familiar with do it yourself home improvement projects.  It is the perfect solution to mark the boundaries of any yard while providing boundless enjoyment of a worry-free fence.


iFenceUSA is an online manufacturer and distributor of wholesale aluminum fencing. With over 18 styles of aluminum fence panels and gates to choose from, we have aluminum fences that will meet your wants and need.  Choose from custom aluminum fencing options including: Commercial Grade Aluminum Fencing, Residential Grade Aluminum Fencing, Pool Grade Aluminum Fencing, and Industrial Aluminum Fencing all at  For more information contact one of our aluminum fence experts toll free 800.762.2907 or via email at

Do-It-Yourself Aluminum Pool Fencing Installation Guide

If you’ve built a pool in your backyard or an older fence is falling apart, it may be time to buy a new fence and you are right to consider an aluminum fence and gate. Many cities require that a fence be installed around a private residence’s backyard pool to conform to safety regulations. You can save money by purchasing wholesale aluminum fence panels and aluminum gates and then install them yourself.

This do-it-yourself aluminum pool fencing installation guide will help to ease the process of installing the fencing.

If your property adjoins another property, discuss the new fence installation with your neighbor. If it simply replaces one that was there, it will be a simple process. If not, there may need to be property lot plans obtained from the city, or a survey may need to be done to avoid any property line disputes. Also, working with your neighbor may mean that they are happy to split the cost 50/50. Also check to see if you need to apply for a building permit or conform to other building requirements.

You should also know that aluminum fencing is good for level led land, gentle dips and extreme slopes. There is no need to choose a different fencing type if there are extreme slopes in your landscape. Since you are installing your fence around a pool we will assume that the landscape is without extreme slopes and level.

First, unpack your fencing parts and read the installation instructions. Depending on the type of aluminum fencing panels that you have purchased affects installation. Inside your fencing package will be end post panels that are used for the starting and ending points of your fence. There will be corner posts that have holes on each side where fencing panels can be installed. There are also line posts that are used for straight runs of fencing panels.

You will then need to work out where exactly your fence will be placed. You may wish to place small stakes or markers around your pool. Don’t forget to do corners and include adequate space for aluminum gates. You’ll want to string around your stakes and consider the measurements provided by the manufacturer.

Your next step is to dig into the ground, so you can place your fence posts. You may use a post hole digger or a power auger. There will be information as to the depth and diameter of fence holes that you need in the instruction manual. After the hole is dug, pore in six inches of gravel. This will help to drain water away from the bottom of the posts.

You then set your posts into the hole. The next step involves fastening the fence panels between each one, then installing the gate.  Soon your wholesale aluminum fence panels will safely surround your pool. The aluminum gates will provide an additional layer of protection for keeping small animals, pets, and children safely away from the pool when not in use.


iFenceUSA is an online manufacturer and distributor of wholesale aluminum fencing. With over 18 styles of aluminum fence panels and gates to choose from, we have aluminum fences that will meet your wants and need.  Choose from custom aluminum fencing options including: Commercial Grade Aluminum Fencing, Residential Grade Aluminum Fencing, Pool Grade Aluminum Fencing, and Industrial Aluminum Fencing all at  For more information contact one of our aluminum swimming pool fence experts toll free 800.762.2907 or via email at

Our Aluminum Pool Fencing & Self-Latching Gates Help To Keep Kids, Pets, & Families Safe

A swimming pool with a beautiful pool fence enclosure transforms your outdoor living space into a resort – a place of rest and relaxation. The iFence™ Resort Collection™ maintenance-free, aluminum swimming pool fences are designed to accent your private resort with beautiful and affordable elegance. Each style complies with B.O.C.A. pool fence safety standards and will be quoted with self-closing and self-latching gate hardware included! Pool fencing from iFence™ will provide your family with years of enjoyment in your swimming pool. 

Check out more on our Aluminum Pool Fencing at

How Much Will a New Fence Increase the Value of your Home?

The addition of a new fence to your home can serve various purposes: privacy, stopping wild animals from gaining access to your yard, and protecting your children and pets. However, a new fence in the yard serves another purpose, it adds value to your home.

With lots of homes in the market and lots of buyers too, you must sweeten the “taste” for potential buyers to attract their interest. Privacy fencing is one of the few exterior home improvement plans that can enhance the beauty and value of your home. How so? Here are a few ways the addition of privacy fencing can increase the value of your home.

Improves Curb appeal

The installation of a privacy fence generally adds to the cub appeal and value of the home. However, not all new fence installations would increase the value of your home. A chain link fence may prove to be less costly, but its resale value would be very minimal over time. On the other hand, an aluminum gate may be expensive to install, but it massively increases the overall beauty and resale value of the home. There are companies that build and provide wholesale aluminum fence panels, specific for your home design and local weather conditions. When a buyer has a wide range of choices to make, unique homes such as those with aluminum gates easily stand out.


A new fence installation provides a sense of belonging to a potential buyer. Although it may not totally guarantee the security of a home, it provides some form of deterrent, making it more difficult for people to gain access to your property, especially through the backyard area that is less visible. Every buyer needs an apartment with some reasonable level of security. An aluminum gate installation is especially ideal for this purpose.

Reduced Chance of Litigation in Future

Privacy fencing establishes some form of clear boundaries and this would decrease the chances of any future litigation since your neighbor would be unable to intentionally encroach onto your property. Although there is always a chance there could be a property dispute in future, the addition of a new fence helps to assert ownership of your property and decrease the chance of intruding, whether intentionally or inadvertently. If a buyer feels that there could be a litigation problem with an adjoining neighbor in future, this will largely reduce the value of your property. With the installation of privacy fencing, the buyer would have a great level of security and full ownership after purchase.


Animals such as deer could destroy the gardens and landscape of your property. Gardens considerably improve the resale value of any home. The addition of privacy fencing would prevent entry of unwanted animals that could compromise the garden and overall landscape of the property.

If built by professionals and maintained over time, the addition of a new fence has a significant impact on the resale value of a property whenever you decide to sell. While it may not have monetary value now, you can rest assured you would be getting some good returns when it is time to sell the property.

iFenceUSA is an online manufacturer and distributor of wholesale aluminum fencing. With over 18 styles of aluminum fence panels and gates to choose from, we have aluminum fences that will meet your wants and need.  Choose from custom aluminum fencing options including: Commercial Grade Aluminum Fencing, Residential Grade Aluminum Fencing, Pool Grade Aluminum Fencing, and Industrial Aluminum Fencing all at  For more information contact one of our aluminum fence experts toll free 800.762.2907 or via email at

Choosing the Best Fence Style and Color For Your Home

Choosing the best fence for your home can seem like an impossible task, especially with the gamut of fencing options available in the market today. However, if you have your heart set on an aluminum fence, half your job is done. All you need is to determine the style and fence color you want for your fence.

Aluminum railings are covered with a highly durable powder coating that is corrosion and weather-resistant during the manufacturing process, you can ask an aluminum fence manufacturer to customize your railing with a variety of colors that will suit your needs. Does a bronze, silver, gloss white, sandy shore, bronze, speckles walnut, or clay-colored aluminum gate appeal to you?

Steps To take For a New Fence

First things first, are there any developmental standards and bylaws that apply to the fences in your neighborhood? The last thing that you need is to be asked to pull down your new fence or rebuild it because it does not meet a specific requirement. Therefore, talk with your neighborhood’s HOA, city council, even your local aluminum fence company to learn about the bylaws in your area. Also, if you share a fence with your neighbor, it’s only fitting that you talk to them first before you decide to paint or alter the style of the fence.

What Is Your Home Style?

Next, what is the style of your home? Is it farm-style, traditional cottage, or contemporary? Traditional, farm and cottage-style homes are suited with white dog-eared or pointed picket fences, but that doesn’t mean that you should only conform to the norm. You can pick between a satin black or gloss white 3 – 6’’ in height aluminum fence, with either pinched points rails or double picket style with pinched point pickets between two top rails. There are beautiful aluminum fence colors and styles for modern, architecture and contemporary-style homes such as aluminum fencing infills slat screens that are easy to install.

Blending Surroundings With Fencing

When it comes to selecting a color for your aluminum gate and overall fence, consider choosing a color that blends harmoniously with the natural surroundings, gardens, and landscaping. Not only does the right color fence help in making a great first impression from the front of your home, but it will also enhance your home’s curb appeal and potentially boost its resale value. Even without using “screaming colors,” your home can still look appealing if you use the same color as the trimmings around your house or the undertones in your garden. Simply put:  choose a fence color that blends in well with your surroundings.

Be on the lookout for wholesale aluminum fence panels to get a bang for your buck and consider installing one or two aluminum gates depending on the size of your property for safety and esthetic purposes. Your perimeter fence and security aluminum gate will offer protection and create safe enclosures to areas where you do not want pets or children to venture into unsupervised such as the garden or pool area.

iFenceUSA is an online manufacturer and distributor of wholesale aluminum fencing. With over 18 styles of aluminum fence panels and gates to choose from, we have aluminum fences that will meet your wants and need.  Choose from custom aluminum fencing options including: Commercial Grade Aluminum Fencing, Residential Grade Aluminum Fencing, Pool Grade Aluminum Fencing, and Industrial Aluminum Fencing all at  For more information contact one of our aluminum fence experts toll free 800.762.2907 or via email at