The iFence
A decorative casting such as a finial, a scroll, or a ball cap; used to "up grade" many Integrity™ Aluminum fence styles and usually available to be purchased separately as an "add-on" component. See also, "Adornment."
Adjustable Panel
See "Rackable".
A decorative casting such as a finial, a scroll, or a ball cap; used to "up grade" many Integrity™ Aluminum fence styles and usually available to be purchased separately as an "add-on" component. See also, "Accent."
A substance composed of two or more metals, or sometimes a metal and a non metal, which have been intimately mixed by fusion, electrolytic deposition, or the like.
Aluminum Picket Fencing
Another name for aluminum fencing.
Arched Gate
A gate with its top horizontal rail(s) curved, having the form of an arch.
Architectural Schematic
see "Shop Drawing".
Aluminum Picket Fencing
Another name for aluminum fencing.
Automatic Gate Operator
A mechanical device used to open and close a gate, such as one at the end of a driveway.
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Baked Enamel
A economical one-coat painting process where the top-coat is applied directly to the material; no primer is required.
Ball Cap
A spherical ornamental cap for the top of a post, available for all post sizes.
Any of a number of closely spaced vertical supports for a railing.
Base Flange
See "Flange."
Base Plate
See "Flange."
Building Officials and Code Administrators; nonprofit agency whose members from the building community, including code enforcement officials and materials manufacturers, developed strict guidelines for safety of swimming pools. These guidelines, though still widely known as "B.O.C.A. Codes," became "I.C.C. Codes" in 2003 when this organization became the I.C.C. (International Code Council); see pool safety.
Blank Post
A post that is not punched and therefore has no holes to receive the horizontal rails of a fence panel.
Boss Screw Flange
A projecting base plate designed to be used in conjunction with a Boss Screw Post for the purpose of installing a fence on hard surfaces such as concrete, as shown in Options & Accessories.
Boss Screw Post
An aluminum post, designed primarily for Integrity™ Encore!™ hand railing and commercial grade fence collections, constructed with internal corner screw channels to accept screws for the attachment of a complementing surface flange, as shown in Options & Accessories.
Bottom Rail
The lower most horizontal rail, or channel, of a fence or railing panel or gate, always punched to allow for vertical picket intersection.
Butterfly Scrolls
Aluminum ornaments designed to be attached to the vertical pickets of a fence and resembling the wings of a butterfly on each side of the picket.
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Cantilever Slide Gate
A rigidly constructed gate projecting from two closely positioned vertical posts, in which the projection is great in relation to the depth of the posts; gate maneuvers by rolling on hardware attached to posts which keep it raised above grade as it is rolls open and closed.
Decorative snap-on covers for posts, standard flat type included with every Integrity™ post purchased unless upgraded.
See "Concealed Fastener System"
Another name for the horizontal rail of a fence panel or gate.
Aluminum ornaments, circular or ringed in form, designed to be attached to the top two horizontal rails of a fence between the pickets.
Classic Bottom
Refers to the position of the bottom horizontal rail of a fence in relation to the vertical pickets whereby the pickets protrude below the bottom horizontal rail by approximately 4'' (or more, depending on the style or grade).
Classic Collection™
The commercial trademark of a specific grouping of Integrity™ residential fence styles based on the attributes and configuration of their components, all with a classic bottom and generally not compliant with B.O.C.A. pool standards.
(also known as a ''rail end clip'')
See ''Rail Notch.''
Refers to a specific grouping of Integrity™ fence styles based on certain attributes, e.g. Resort, Residential, Designer, Premier, or Ultimate.
1. A decorative pillar offered by Integrity Aluminum Products™ in its Encore!™ Hand Railing Collection.
2. A rigid, relatively slender, upright support, composed of relatively few pieces (see "Pillar").
Common Carrier
A business that transports goods, offering its services to the general public under license or authority provided by a regulatory body; on this site, a private trucking company.
Concealed Fastener System (CFS)™
A fence design with double-wall horizontal railing, one rail nested in the other, hiding the fasteners while increasing strength and closing off the bottom, making the panels virtually insect-free; identified by the SuperRail™ Integrity™ commercial trademark, this feature is available in any style of fence and in any collection with some exceptions.
Concrete Mixer
(also commonly called a cement mixer)
A device that homogeneously combines cement, aggregate such as sand or gravel, and water to form concrete using a revolving drum to mix the components; portable concrete mixers are often used on smaller projects so that the concrete can be made at the construction site, giving the workers ample time to use the concrete before it hardens.
The relative arrangement of the parts or elements of a whole fence; the structural arrangement of the components of a fence panel or gate.
An Integrity™ marketing designation for flat top fence styles.
(or core drilling)
To remove by drilling (a cylindrical sample) from the interior, as of a concrete patio; a method of installing fence posts to a hard surface without the use of flanges.
The weight or force of the tail of a cantilever slide gate, counteracting the weight of the portion of the gate that slides open and closed while projecting above grade from two closely positioned support posts anchored below grade.
Curved Configuration
A fence line that deviates from a 180 degree straight line by slightly adjusting the direction of a fence panel at each line post, the cumulative effect of which creates an overall rounded configuration without the panels themselves being rounded or bent.
Custom Fence
Fence panels, gates, posts and accessories customized for specific conditions, as in height, width or other attributes with certain product limitations.
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Diagonal Brace
A punched rail positioned diagonally and welded on a gate leaf, intersecting the vertical pickets, extending from the bottom of the middle horizontal rail of one side of the gate leaf to the bottom rail on the opposite side.
This means "do it yourself."
Designer Grade
Identified by the commercial trademark John Russell™, an Integrity™ grade option upgrading standard residential vertical pickets from 5/8'' x 5/8'' x .050'' to wider (and thicker wall) 1'' x 5/8'' x .062'' with vertical flutes added for aesthetic appeal.
Dog Panels
See "Puppy Pickets"
Don Phillips™
See ''Concealed Fastener System.''
Double Gate
A gate with two leafs, latching together where they meet but hinged separately on opposite sides of the gate opening.
Drop Rod
An attachment for the base of a gate leaf to keep it securely positioned using a cylindrical rod protruding downward into a drilled hole extending below grade; available in locking or non-locking, most commonly used for double gates because the gate latch is not installed on a stationary post.
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A legal right held by one property owner to make use of the land of another property owner for a limited purpose, such as right of passage.
The commercial trademark of the hand rail product collection sold by Integrity Aluminum Products™
End Post
Punched posts used to attach one panel to one post on one side of the post.
Endless™ Attachments
The Integrity™ commercial trademark of its external wall mounting brackets (used to secure fence and rail panels to structures and posts not punched for horizontal rail insertion) and base mounting flanges (used when posts are secured to a hard surface rather than installed with below-grade footings).
Estate Gate
A specific type of Integrity™ gate, constructed using Ultimate™ grade specifications and featuring rolled upper horizontal channels (as distinct from simple arches) usually ordered to adorn a grand entrance to a property, either residential or commercial.
Estate Scroll
Large aluminum ornament designed to be attached to the vertical pickets of a fence panel or gate.
Estimated Cost
Preliminary, approximate calculation of the cost of materials for a fence project, as opposed to a detailed quote based on a specific list of materials to be provided.
External Access Kit
A device allowing a gate latch to be operated from outside the fence. See "Lokk-Latch® with External Access Kit".
Fence panel or gate feature tightening the space between vertical pickets by adding more of them, making the fence (or gate) safer for small animals, more difficult to climb, and slightly increasing privacy attributes.
The process by which an aluminum alloy is formed into a continuous shape such as that of posts, vertical pickets, or horizontal rails that are then cut to length and fastened together to form Integrity Aluminum™ fences.
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Fence panel or gate features that are pre-assembled at the factory and are shipped ready-to-install.
Screws that attach vertical pickets to horizontal rails and horizontal rails to posts or mounting brackets.
Fences Without Limits™
The Integrity™ commercial trademark to convey that Integrity™ offers virtually limitless cost effective customization of its fencing products, making it the right choice for nearly every fencing application.
1. Material used in lieu of pickets within the frame of a cantilever slide gate.
2. A piece of a fence panel used to enclose a narrow opening between two posts or between a post and a structure, usually cut out of a full size panel.
Relatively small, ornamental, terminal feature at the peak of a spear top fence, available in two styles: Excelsior™ and Fleur de Lis.
The surface coating of the aluminum used to construct Integrity™ fences.
A projecting plate attached to the base of a post making it possible to mount it to a hard surface such as concrete.
Flange Plate
See "Flange."
Flat Top
An aluminum fence with a horizontal rail capping all vertical pickets at the top of the fence.
Flush Bottom
Refers to the position of the bottom horizontal rail of a fence in relation to the vertical pickets whereby the pickets do not protrude below the bottom horizontal rail, making them "flush" with it.
Floor Flange
See "Flange."
Freight Rate Table
A chart on our Shipping Terms link indicating the cost of freight to ship an Integrity Aluminum™ fence order from Michigan to its destination.
Four-way Post
A punched post used to attach four panels to one post using four sides of the post.
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Gate Frame
The structural support of a gate consisting of vertical post uprights welded to horizontal channels forming a ''frame.''
Gate Leaf
The actual hinged, structurally framed, swinging and detachable part of a fence; a single gate has one leaf and a double gate has two leafs.
Gate Opening
The distance between the posts that a gate is hinged to, inside to inside; the width of a gate, not the actual size of the gate frame which is made smaller to accommodate gate hardware (see "Reduction".).
Gate Post
A post installed adjacent to a gate, usually with an upgraded wall thickness, used to attach gate hardware; can be a blank post or more commonly, a punched end post when a fence panel is also to be attached.
Gate Stop
A rubberized pad accessory that softly brings the lower part of the gate frame into contact with the gate post, helping to stabilize the gate and protect it from being pushed inward beyond the latch point.
Gate Swing Direction
Refers to whether a gate is hinged to swing outward, away from the enclosed area (this is standard and typically a code requirement for pool enclosures), or inward, toward the enclosed area (not standard, but sometimes unavoidable).
Gate Upright
The vertical posts welded to each side of a gate leaf to form the support frame of a gate.
Gate Width
The distance between the latch post and hinge post (inside-to-inside) on a single gate, the distance between the two hinge posts (inside-to-inside) on a double gate.
Grab Rail
The horizontal top rail profile of an Encore!™ hand railing product, especially when used independently and not as part of a panel, as in when attached to the wall of a staircase.
1. A classification or standard of fence based on quality, size, or other physical attributes.
2. The level at which the ground parallels the bottom of a fence panel or gate.
Grade Slope
An incline or decline of the ground creating a hill and measured in terms of "rise over run," as in, "grade rises 24'' over a run of 18 feet."
A color option available only for certain accessories, as listed in Options & Accessories.
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To rise as if thrust up: The ground heaved and pushed the post footing above grade.
Hinge Post
A post used on the hinge side of a gate, used to attach the hinge mechanism; can be a blank post or more commonly, a punched end post.
Informal term used to describe the uninterrupted installation of a fence line through a sudden change in grade. ''Hopping'' over the obstruction is generally accomplished in one of two ways: stepping the fence or using protruding pickets in conjunction with rackable panels.
Horizontally Adjustable Rail Mounting Brackets
Enable the directionally adjustable attachment of the horizontal rails of standard fence panels to structures such as pillars, buildings or posts without punches to accept rail insertion.
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(International Code Council), see "B.O.C.A."
iDesign™ Fence Studio
The commercial trademark of an Integrity™ software program that makes it easy to visualize Integrity™ fences in a way that enables instant changes to styles, colors, gate options, post caps, and other designer accent options.
America's leading provider of direct-to-consumer aluminum fencing and railing products.
iFusion™ Alloy
The Integrity™ commercial trademark of its 6005-T5 alloy, which has a minimum ultimate strength of 35,000 psi.
imPress Point™
The Integrity™ commercial trademark of the form of a picket when compressed, stamped and finished into a decorative point at its peak.
Integrity Aluminum Products™
America's leading brand of aluminum fencing and railing products.
iPlan™ Architectural Schematics
The Integrity™ commercial trademark of a collection of drawings, diagrams, schedules and other data specially prepared to illustrate the general design concept of Integrity™ fence products, depicting each of the major components and their relationships to each other. See also, "Shop drawing."
iTour™ Photo Gallery
The Integrity™ commercial trademark of a collection of photographs depicting the beauty and versatility of Integrity™ fences on location, at private residences and commercial businesses throughout the United States.
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J-Bolt Hinge
Gate hinge with a metal plate wall mount and bolt that is secured to a gate upright by being screwed directly into it.
John Russell™
The commercial trademark of an Integrity™ designer picket grade option upgrading standard residential vertical pickets from 5/8'' x 5/8'' x .050'' to wider (and thicker wall) 1'' x 5/8'' x .062'' with vertical flutes added for aesthetic appeal.
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An unassembled fence panel.
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Large Project
Any fence purchased from iFenceUSA™ exceeding 500 linear feet of fencing material.
Latch Post
Post used on the latch side of a gate, used to attach the latch mechanism; can be a (punched) end post or a blank post.
LifeCoat™ Finish
The Integrity™ commercial trademark of a completely dry finishing process whereby finely ground particles of pigment and resin are electrostatically charged and sprayed onto the electrically grounded aluminum alloy and then oven-cured so that the particles adhere until melted and fused into a solid coating.
Line Post
Punched post used to attach two panels to one post on opposite sides of the post.
The commercial trademark of a lockable attachment for the base of a gate leaf for the purpose of keeping it securely positioned; a lockable cylindrical rod protruding downward into a drilled hole extending below grade, most commonly used for double gates because with such gates the latch cannot installed on a stationary post.
Lokk-Latch® PRO-SL
The commercial trademark of a D&D Technologies gate latch with all the popular features of the basic Lokk-Latch® model, but the added security of a 'self-locking' function, automatically locking as it closes and requiring a key to re-enter or -exit. Often used at apartments, condos, commercial and other security-conscious properties.
Lokk-Latch® with External Access Kit
The commercial trademark of a D&D Technologies latch identical to the top-selling Lokk-Latch® except with an ''External Access Kit'' included to allow the main latch to be operated from outside the fence.
Lower Rail
The lower most horizontal rail, or channel, of a fence or railing panel or gate, always punched to allow for vertical picket intersection.
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Magna Latch®
The commercial trademark of a D&D Technologies magnetically triggered gate latch designed to self latch and highly regarded for use in pool enclosures.
Matte Finish
Powder coated paint finish not reflecting light; not glossy; ''flat''.
The commercial trademark of a fence panel SmartRail™ feature allowing for the absolute maximum rackability possible for an Integrity™ brand fence.
Metal Fence
Sometimes an alternative name for aluminum fencing. Just keep in mind that aluminum is a maintenance free fence and other metals may be prone to unsightly rust.
The horizontal rail, or channel, of a three-rail fence or railing panel or gate, located between the the top rail and the bottom rail, always punched to allow for vertical picket intersection. Four-rail fences are said to consist of upper mid-rails and lower mid-rails.
Mounting Brackets
Enable the stationary or directionally adjustable attachment of the horizontal rails of a fence panel to structures such as pillars, buildings or posts without punches to accept rail insertion.
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Being such in name only; so-called; putative.
Non-conforming condition
A field condition necessitating the use of customized fencing material.
See ''Rail Notch.''
The commercial trademark of an Integrity™ fence vertical picket option that eliminates pressed point peaks by simply cutting pickets and capping them with vinyl cap inserts.
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Offset Welded Flange
A projecting plate welded to the base of a post making it possible to mount it to a hard surface such as concrete. Usually welded on center, when offset the post is welded flushed over to one side of the flange, allowing it to ''hug the wall'' when surface mounted. Visit Custom Fence Designs to see photo.
Ornamental Fencing
Another name for aluminum fencing.
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The basic factory-assembled construction of an aluminum fence, consisting of vertical picket and horizontal rail extrusions fastened together by internal intersection and screws.
Pass-through Structure
Any structure such as a house, garage, shed or pool house that enables entry into a fenced-in area from an area not fenced-in.
The border or outer boundary of a parcel of land.
An upright shaft or structure, of stone, brick, or other material, relatively slender in proportion to its height, and of any shape in section, used as a building support, or standing alone, as for a monument.
An authoritative or official certificate of permission as in a building permit from a local governing authority; license.
Vinyl inserts used to cap the vertical pickets of spear top fences with the optional Nouveau™ feature.
Pool Safe
A pool enclosure that complies with B.O.C.A. pool safety standards.
Post Punch
Holes of a specific size and shape punched into a post to accept the insertion of the horizontal rail of a particular grade of fence panel.
Powder Coating
A completely dry finishing process whereby finely ground particles of pigment and resin are electrostatically charged and sprayed onto the electrically grounded aluminum alloy and then oven-cured so that the particles adhere until melted and fused into a solid coating.
Premier Grade™
The commercial trademark of a specific grade of Integrity™ commercial fence classification based on quality, size, or other physical attributes. In this grade, the vertical pickets are 3/4'' x 3/4''.
Pressed Point
The form of a picket when compressed, stamped and finished into a decorative point at its peak.
Protruding Pickets
Vertical pickets extending out above or below the boundary of a horizontal rail, often but not necessarily beyond the normal range.
Punched Post
Post with holes of a specific size and shape to accept the insertion of the horizontal rail of a particular grade of Integrity™ fence panel.
Punched Rail
Horizontal rail (or channel) with holes of a specific size and shape to structurally integrate with the vertical pickets of a particular grade of Integrity™ fence panel or gate.
Puppy Pickets
Fence feature adding a horizontal rail and short pickets to the bottom 16'' of the fence panel, tightening the space between pickets on this portion of the fence, making it safer for small animals.
Use iDesign Studio to view the many different configurations of Puppy Pickets.
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A detailed calculation of the cost of a fence project based on a specific list of materials to be provided.
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Term referring to a fence panel's ability to adjust and conform to the contour of a grade slope.
Another word for "rackable."
The space needed to accommodate gate hardware, calculated as the difference, in inches, between the size of a gate frame and the size of a gate opening.
Regal Estate™ Gates
The commercial trademark of a specific collection of the finest Integrity™ gates, constructed using Ultimate™ grade specifications and featuring rolled upper channels (as distinct from simple arches) usually ordered to adorn a grand entrance to a property, either residential or commercial.
Residential Grade
The commercial trademark of a specific grade of Integrity™ commercial fence classification based on quality, size, or other physical attributes. In this grade, the vertical pickets are 5/8'' x 5/8''.
Resort™ Bottom
The Integrity™ commercial trademark referring to the position of the bottom horizontal rail of a fence in relation to the vertical pickets whereby the pickets do not protrude below the bottom horizontal rail, making them "flush" with it. Also called "flush bottom".
Resort Collection™
The commercial trademark of a specific grouping of Integrity™ residential flush bottom fence styles, all designed to comply with B.O.C.A. pool safety standards.
The horizontal channel extrusion of a fence to which vertical pickets are affixed.
Rail End Clipper
(also called a ''rail end notcher'')
A tool used to ''notch'' the ends of the horizontal rails of an Integrity™ fence, allowing them to slide into the narrower punched holes of a post. Since horizontal rails come factory-notched, this tool has limited use for do-it-yourself installation and is most often used by high volume contractors who cut and ''re-notch'' material on-the-job.
Rail Notch
(also known as a ''rail clip'')
Horizontal rails, sized larger (top to bottom) than the holes of a punched post are notched (clipped narrower), allowing them to fit into the smaller hole, sliding into the post until the end of the 3/4'' notch is reached, stopping the rail in position for quick and easy fastening.
Rail Profile
The outline or contour of the cross section of one of four distinct horizontal top rail designs for Integrity's™ Encore!™ hand railing; or the outline or contour of the cross section of any horizontal rail of Integrity™ fence and railing products.
Rail Punch
Holes of a specific size and shape punched into the horizontal rail of a fence panel to allow the vertical pickets of a fence panel to be fastened to the rail as they pass through it or are nested into it.
Retaining Wall
A wall for holding in place a mass of earth or the like, as at the edge of a terrace or excavation.
The ratio of the grade altitude change to the horizontal distance between any two points on the line, as in, ''grade rises 24'' over a run of 18 feet.''
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Safety Cover
An impenetrable covering that completely covers a pool, spa, or hot tub, preventing access to the water when there is not supervision.
see "Shop Drawing".
Refers to the legal distance required by local code from property lines to the placement of a pool, fence or other structure.
Shop Drawing
A drawing, diagram, schedule or other data specially prepared to illustrate the general design concept of a manufactured product, depicting each of the major components and their relationships to each other. See also, "iPlan Architectural Schematics."
Side Wall
Refers to the thickness in inches of the side walls of a horizontal rail, vertical picket, or post.
Single Gate
A gate that is comprised of just one leaf hinged to a post on one side and latched to a post on the opposite side.
Slide Gate
See ''Cantilever Gate''.
The commercial trademark of the rail system used on Integrity Aluminum™ fences.
The commercial trademark of the Integrity™ web links, software, schematics, photographs and design services offered to its valued customers, all arranged on one page for quick and easy access and use.
Spacing Between Pickets
A measurement of the actual distance between two vertical pickets.
Spear Top
An aluminum fence with pointed vertical picket peaks, either pressed point or with finials factory-installed.
Staggered Spear Top
An aluminum fence with pointed vertical picket peaks staggered in height on an alternating basis.
Stair Rail
Integrity™ Encore!™ hand railing specifically designed for installation on a set of stairs.
Stationary Rail Mounting Brackets
Enable the stationary attachment of the horizontal rails of a fence panel to structures such as pillars, buildings, or posts without punches.
A method of installation on a sloped grade whereby the fence panels attached to each side of a post are staggered or ''stepped,'' causing one panel to be positioned lower than the other. This method is sometimes used in lieu of racking the panels, which is recommended by Integrity Aluminum Products™.
StoneCliff Estate™ Gates
The Integrity™ commercial trademark of a specific collection of gates, constructed using Ultimate™ grade specifications and featuring arched upper channels usually ordered to adorn a grand entrance to a property, either residential or commercial.
StoneCliff Estate™ Gates
The Integrity™ commercial trademark of a specific collection of gates, constructed using Ultimate™ grade specifications and featuring arched upper channels usually ordered to adorn a grand entrance to a property, either residential or commercial.
SuperRail™ Concealed Fastener System (CFS™)
The Integrity™ commercial trademark of a fence design with doubled horizontal railing, one rail nested in the other, hiding the fasteners while increasing strength and closing off the bottom, making the panels virtually insect-free; this feature is available in any style of fence and in any collection with some exceptions.
Swing Gate
Any gate attached to a post or structure and designed to open or close by the use of hinges instead of parallel sliding or rolling mechanisms.
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The extended protrusions of a horizontal rail mounting bracket, pre-drilled to accommodate screws for attachment to a structure. Most often used when it is impossible to attach bracket from within the internal chamber of the bracket due to inaccessibility.
The counterbalance extension of the projecting portion of a cantilever gate, giving functional support through its attachment to two closely positioned posts when the gate is in a projected, or closed position.
Termination Point
The end of a fence panel or series of adjacent fence panels, as in up against a structure, or at the point of a gate opening.
TGIC Polyester
Triglycidyl isocyanurate (TGIC) powders are one of two polyester powder coatings being used commercially (the other is urethane polyester). TGIC powders have very good adhesion characteristics, corrosion resistance, and exterior durability. They can typically be cured at lower temperatures than urethanes and have shorter cure cycles. They also provide good edge coverage and tough, thick films.
Three-way Post
A punched post used to attach three panels to one post using three sides of the post.
Titan™ Hinges
Durable hinge system with nylon bushing, used for larger swing gates requiring attachment to 4'' square posts, such as Regal Estate™ gates or wider Ultimate™ grade gates.
Top Rail
The upper most horizontal rail, or channel, of a fence or railing panel or gate, punched to allow for vertical picket intersection only for spear top fence designs and never for flat top fences.
Top Wall
Refers to the thickness in inches of the top side of a horizontal rail.
Truck Assembly
The apparatus by which a cantilever slide gate is rolled open and closed. Truck assemblies are included with every Integrity™ cantilever slide gate but can also be purchased à la carte.
Truck Freight
The method used to ship Integrity Aluminum Products™ when order exceeds the limitations of ground parcel services such as Fedex Ground or UPS.
Tru-Close® Hinges
The commercial trademark of D&D Technologies spring-loaded gate hinges designed to self close and highly regarded for use in pool enclosures, as listed in Options & Accessories.
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The post material used for the vertical uprights on each side of a gate leaf extended horizontally along the base and welded into place to form a ''U'' when viewed in relation to the side vertical gate uprights.
Ultimate Grade™
The commercial trademark of a specific grade of Integrity™ commercial fence classification based on quality, size, or other physical attributes. In this grade, the vertical pickets are 1'' x 1'' .
Underground Lines
Utility lines buried below grade; may be public utilities such as phone or electrical lines, or private utilities such as swimming pool-related pipes and wires.
The vertical posts welded to each side of a gate leaf to form the support frame of a gate.
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Vertical Pull Magna-Latch®
The commercial trademark of a D&D Technologies magnetically triggered gate latch designed to self latch using the same revolutionary technology as the standard Magna-Latch® design but in a smaller, more compact body.
Vertically Adjustable Rail Mounting Brackets
Enable the directionally adjustable attachment of the horizontal rails of rackable fence panels to structures such as pillars, buildings or posts without punches to accept rail insertion.
Any of various organic chemical compounds (as formaldehyde or gasoline) that evaporate quickly especially from solvents, adhesives, fuels, or industrial wastes and that contribute to photochemical smog in the atmosphere.
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Walk Gate
An often-used industry synonym for a single leaf gate, generally avoided by Integrity Aluminum Products™ to eliminate confusion with double leaf walkway gates not intended as ''drive-throughs''.
Wall Mount Bracket
A bracket designed to securely attach to the bottom of an Encore!™ grab rail that is independent of a panel, and then mount to a structure, as in a wall adjacent to a set of steps.
Wall Thickness
Refers to the actual thickness, in inches, of the walls of the aluminum extrusions used to make Integrity™ fences.
Welded Flange
See "flange"
Width of Gate
The distance between the latch post and hinge post (inside-to-inside) on a single gate, the distance between the two hinge posts (inside-to-inside) on a double gate.
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The commercial trademark of a fence panel SmartRail™ feature allowing for the increased rackability of an Integrity™ brand fence.
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The commercial trademark of a D&D Technologies lockable magnetic gate lock with dual security lock cylinders, re-keyable to match existing door locks for an integrated security system, as listed in Options & Accessories.
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