Aluminum Fences
Aluminum Fences
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Mission Point Black Aluminum Pool Safe Gate
Aluminum Driveway Gates
Aluminum pool fences
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Aluminum Pool Gate Collection | How to buy Genuine iNTEGRITY

One-Of-A-Kind Aluminum Pool Gates

To order your beautiful new aluminum swimming pool gate, just follow the steps below. Integrity™ has 18 standard styles of Resort Collection™ aluminum pool fence styles and many options associated with them. All metal pool gates correspond to these aluminum fence styles. Variations can be ordered with alumuminum fence panels or independently. For a complete overview, simply select an aluminum pool fence style and review the gates tab.

Resort Collection

Aluminum Pool Gates | Buyer's Guide 

1 Choose Your Style
Unless otherwise specified, all Resort Collection™ gates ordered will correspond with style of pool fence selected. Complete architectural details are provided when a specific style of fence is chosen.

2 Select Desired Configuration
Gates can be ordered single (walkway) or double (driveway), standard (straight) or arched, as depicted. These drawings are only a representation – your gate design will reflect your selected style.

3 Review Included Gate Hardware
All Resort Collection™ gates are, by default, equipped with a self-latching Magna Latch, self-closing Tru-Close hinges, each of which is sold separately. Double* (driveway) Resort gates include, by default, one standard drop rod, which is sold separately. Specify any changes at time of order because all gate frames are sized to accommodate hardware for a particular opening. Changes in hardware can often mean changes in the size of a gate frame even if the size of the opening is constant!

4 Specify Gate Width
The width of a gate is the width of the opening, not the actual width of the gate frame.
  • Single gate standard widths available:
    36'', 42'', 48'', 54'', 60'', and 72'',
    priced in increments of 1'.
  • Double* gate standard widths available:
    72'', 96'', 120'', and 144', priced in increments of 2'.
  • Custom widths are available and cost-effective!
  • For much wider, heavier duty gates, please see our Premier™ grade, Ultimate™ grade or Driveway Gate collections.

5 Specify Gate Height
The height of a gate is always the same as the height of fence panels ordered unless otherwise specified. Custom heights are available and cost effective! When ordering gates independent of fence panels, simply specify the desired height.

6 Pick Your Posts
All Resort Collection™ gate posts are by default 2'' square x .125'' wall thickness, in either ends or blanks. (These same posts can be ordered with .060'' or .080'' wall thicknesses, both of which are not recommended for use with gates.) Posts can also be upgraded to 2 1/2'' square by .100'' wall thickness. 3'' or 4'' square posts are available but only as blank posts. The length of any of these posts can be of your choosing, sold in one-foot increments from 5' to 9' long. Gates and posts must be purchased separately. Custom post lengths are available and cost effective! Standard caps are always included with every post ordered unless upgraded to ball caps.

7 Choose your Color

Integrity™ offers 7 gorgeous color options. All colors
are available in every style and grade of fences, gates
and hand railing. The choice of any standard color does
not impact price. see colors

8 Consider Additional Options
It is possible to ''dress up'' just the gate on any order of fencing. For instance, you may want to order Ball Caps only for the gate frame uprights, but not the other posts on your fence order. Or, you may want to order adornments for your gate such as Butterfly Scrolls or an Estate Scroll. For wider gates, a welded U-Frame is an important option to consider. Let us help you explore the options. See Options & Accessories (Gates tab) for all of the possibilities – or call us directly, we're ready to assist!

9 How to get a Quote on your new Gate
  • We have a very easy-to-follow free quote form that takes about 2 minutes to complete. This form has built-in answers for the most commonly asked questions. Use the Fences and Gates tab for all gate quotes except big driveway gates, for which there is a separate tab.
  • When you use our cool iDesign Studio™ you will be able to click "Get Quote" when you have your fence/gate looking the way you want it. Then, the free quote form will have all of your selections automatically designated. All there will be left to do is enter your desired size!
  • Contact us today for helpful information and subsequent quote by email.

Double gates often do not comply with local pool fence legal codes. Check local governing authorities before you order double gates for pool enclosures. These codes often vary from one community to another. If a permit is required, we recommend you obtain the permit before ordering. We will provide the specifications you need to determine compliance. Although iFenceUSA™ would love to be current on local codes for your convenience, there are simply too many. Therefore, we will not be accountable for orders that are subsequently deemed noncompliant.

"Fantastic product! Better than I could have imagined, excellent job on packing & shipping. Well done & thank you!"

Martin Forde
Middleton, MA