Aluminum Fences | The iNTEGRITY
Premier Collection
The Premier™ grade is ideal for light commercial use and upgraded residential use. Any Integrity™ fence style can be ordered in this grade. With 3/4'' square vertical pickets, a beefed up SmartRail™ and optional 2 1/2'' square posts, Premier™ grade gates maintain their structural integrity in sizes much wider than the residential grades, making them an attractive option for driveway gates!
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Every style features our exclusive iNTEGRITY™ Advantage, the industry benchmark for quality and service, which includes our superior rail design, durable welded gates, a maintenance-free powder coated finish, cost-effective customization for non-conforming conditions, and much more. Also, any style we offer can be ordered Extreme™ with tighter spacing between the vertical pickets, or with the SuperRail™ concealed fastener system (CFS).